World [light smut warning]

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You were getting ready for a big day ahead of you. This is the day you get your job back and you can't screw it up.
"NYPD!" You pointed at yourself in the mirror "this is the day!"
You fixed your hair and made your way to court.

"Miss Y/L/N" The deputy chief greeted you.

"Deputy Chief Roy!" You smiled and shook her hand "It's so nice to meet you"

"You too, I've heard really good things about you" she smiled.

"Wait till you hear the bad things" you chuckled.

The audience started and they made your ex partner in crime talk about you and it all went great. The past year your Captain had realized how important you are to the NYPD.
And after two hours of responding questions and signing documents you got your badge and gun back.
"Congratulations" your Captain smiled "i was wrong about you"

"Don't worry Captain i know you just wanted everything to go right" you shook his hand with a smile.

"Detective Y/L/N" that felt so good to hear again "Let's discuss some things on my office"

"Coming right up Chief!" You smiled and followed her to the office.

"Please take a seat" she smiled as she sat in front of you "I need you to do a mission"

"So early?!" You giggled.

"But it's not a normal mission" she sighed "You're the best detective we got... the avengers contacted every police station in America to get their best detective for this mission and i choose you"

"W-what is this mission about?" You stuttered.

"To catch a thief. To save the world" she handed you some papers "They're three and they stole lethal weapons from Romania. We don't know what they're going to use them for but they could destroy the entire continent, are you in Detective Y/L/N?"

Your entire world turned upside down. They're trying to get you to catch yourself. You couldn't do this, it's too much pressure.
Who ever it was they have no heart or  compassion.
"I-I'm sorry Deputy Chief Roy but i don't think i can do this" you let out a shaky breath "i just got in and i don't think i can handle it"

"Don't worry Detective" she smiled "I'll choose someone else but just know that you were my plan a"

You went back to your apartment to put some casual clothes on and since your friends are not coming back until Friday, you decided to go to the bar and drink away the anxiety.
"Just some whiskey on the rocks" you smiled at the barista as you sat down.

"Haven't seen you here for a while" he said.

"Yeah i was on vacation" you chuckled.

"Where did you go?" He said as he wiped down some glasses.

"Ibiza" you said and took the drink in your hands.

"Oh i heard it's beautiful there!" He smiled "you must've meet a lot of European dudes"

"Yeah tons of them" you said sarcastically "that's why I'm here"

"No need to be rude" he chuckled and raised his hands.

"You would've loved it, lots of topless chicks" you put down the empty glass and looked up at him.

"This one is on the house" he smirked as he poured the alcoholic beverage into your glass "Call it a welcome gift"

"Thank you" you gigled and raised your glass "well since this one is free why don't you get me two more?"

"Yes ma'am" he took out two more glasses and filled them with whiskey "I'm gonna go talk to my costumers now"

"You do that" you giggled and looked back down at your glass as he leaved.

"You denied the offer" you heard the soldier's voice next to you. You downed your drink, you needed it for this.

"Look who it is! Mr. Psycho..." you murmured as you slowly looked at him "Why? What is it so important to you that you have to get the actual police involved?"

"The police got involved once you stole those weapons" he swallowed hard trying not to get angry.

"I didn't do it" you sighed "and you know what i mean... the Deputy Chief... my captain"

"I had to do what i had to do" he looked at you dead in the eyes.

"That's why i denied it" you smirked "you're psychotic"

"When are you gonna turn yourself in? Just so i can be there" he asked "to enjoy the show"

"When are you gonna turn yourself in? You're the criminal" you chuckled "It's pathetic"

"I'm pathetic?" He laughed "i can do whatever i want to but you? You're the one who's stuck"

"You don't see me complaining though " you took a sip of your drink and looked down "You're such a waste of a man"

"Am i?" He arched his eyebrow.

"Yes" you turned to him "Your horrible attitude ruins your gorgeous looks"

"At least you're not blind" he mumbled "If you weren't a criminal things would've been so different"

"I'm not so why don't you show me how would they be?" You smirked.


"Right there" you moaned as he pounded into you.
"Yeah?" He grunted and wrapped his hand around your throat. He leaned into your neck and sucked on it as his thrusts got faster leaving you screaming in pleasure.
You left scratches up and down his back every time he hit your spot.
"What's my name?" He groaned as he pulled out and slammed into you.
"Bucky!" You yelled and grabbed the sheets as you felt your orgasm.

You were laying next to each other looking at the ceiling. Both out of breath, covered in sweat and naked. This isn't what you anticipated but you liked it.
"Bucky?" You asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked at you.

"If i... if i told you i did it, would you take me to jail? Would swat team burst into my apartment and take me? Would i be arrested?" You looked at him in the eyes.

"No" he said and looked into your eyes. You looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"Then i did it" you chuckled "i was the one that choked you until you fainted and the one who shoot people from a helicopter" you stood up and wrapped your body in a robe.

"Why are you telling me this? I could have a microphone" he sat up on the bed.

"I know you don't" you smirked "and even if you go and say that i confessed, who would they believe? The best detective in town or the psychotic supersoldier that goes into kill mode with just a couple words?" You leaned in and kissed his cheek "think about that"

The Detective  [Bucky Barnes X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz