Chapter 9: The Broken Eyes

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(A/N~ mention of cutting in this chapter)

-Keith's pov-

"Lance, wake up! Wake up, damn it!" I shake Lance, trying to wake him.

I run into Red and set Lance on my lap in the pilots seat. Red starts up with a rawr, we grab Blue and speed back to the castle.


"Allura, Coran, put Lance into a suit so we can get him in a pod," I run out of Red and into the medical bay.

The rest of the team is waiting and takes Lance from me.

"I want everyone out so we can give Lance some privacy. Shiro can stay since he is the team leader if he likes,"Coran announces.

I look at Shiro with pleading eyes, asking if I can stay in the room as well.

"Can Keith stay too? He is Lance's boyfriend after all," Shiro asks Coran. Coran gives a strained nod and starts to take of Lance armor.

Once everything is off we stare in horror. Lance's arms have small cuts and scars on them, his chest has scars on it as well, and his back has a bullet hole in it.

Coran is the first one to get into action. He starts to put the healing suit on Lance and then Shiro starts to help him. I did nothing but watch.


We finally put Lance in a pod and all crowed around it. Most of us are crying and holding each other.

I could have lost him...

Salty tears start to run down my face. I try wiping them away, but they keep coming.

Someone grabs my hands. I look up and see Allura with tears in her own eyes.

"He'll be ok, Keith. I promise," She says.

I can only nod.


Everyone starts to leave to do their own things for coping.

Hunk starts to stress bake.

Pidge doesn't sleep.

Shiro starts to train more.

Allura and Coran are trying to find ways to stop Prince Lotor.

I only felt Lance's pod a few times, but only to eat or take a shower.

It's been two weeks since we put him in.

I miss him so much.

His smile.

His laugh.

His jokes.

Our little fights.


Today we are all round the pod again.

"Ugh, how much longer will he be in there, Coran?" Pidge whines.

"Only a few more ticks," he says in reply.

Everyone has been so stressed since we almost lost him. I feel like he is the heart of the team. The one that holds us all together. The one that keeps us sane.

The pod opens...

Lance falls out, but I catch him before he hits the castle's floor.

I look down at him, "Hi," I say.

"Hey," he breathes out.

Hunk yanks Lance out of my arms, "Lance, you're alive!" Hunk screams.

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