Chapter 5: Plastic Smile Or Real?

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-Lance's pov-

After the battle with the Galra, we are talking to the people of the planet.

I'm talking to a very nice alien father who is telling me how grateful that we all came to help them.

I really didn't do anything though... I almost made us lose the battle...

Tears start to build up in my eyes, but I blink them away. I don't want anyone to see me cry again. I can let my facade me dropped again.

I would occasionally nod and smile so the alien still knows that I am semi-listening.
Our conversation gets interrupted by Allura.

"Paladins, it's time to go. Thank you everyone for letting us help you! It was nice to meet you all, but we have to go. Goodbye!"

-el time skip back to the castle-

"Awww it's good to be home!" Pidge says, stretching out on the altean couch.

Home? I guess this is home now... I never really had a happy home before... maybe this one will be different?

We all plop down on the couch and floor, exhaustion from the mission.

"Hwooo that was a tough mission we had today, makes me hungry," Hunk says, rubbing his stomach for emphasis.

"Yeah, same man. Hey, what do we got to eat?" I ask.

"I think we still got that special purple food goo we got from the space mall a few weeks ago!" Hunk says excitedly.

We all get up and go to the kitchen, we'll except for me... I sneak down a hallway to the observation deck. I look up at all the universes and stars pass by.

It has always been my dream to go to space and travel the universe. I guess I have my friends, hero, and rival with me. And I even made new friends!

Yeah, and get thrown into battle that has been fought for over 10,000 years. Well, at least I'm protecting my home planet, even though they don't know there's a war happening.

My eyes start to burn with tears. I am the most useless paladin on the team. At least I'm trying to keep everyone happy by telling jokes and stuff. Even if I'm alone, I'm happy if their happy.

I wipe my tears away when I hear footsteps echo through the halls. They get closer and closer until they stop.

"Lance, there you are. We were all wondering where you ran off to... are you ok?

I look up and see Keith. Why did Keith come here to check on me? Doesn't he hate me or something?

Keith sits next to me on the bench.

"I'm fine, mullet," I say with tears threatening to spill.

"I know you're not. We never go to talk about what happened in your past-"

"I don't want to talk about it!" I say a little harsh. This isn't Keith's fault. I shouldn't be letting my pain out on him.

"Lance..." Keith says in a soft tone.

God, please don't say my name like that...

I've had a small (huge) crush on Kieth for awhile now. I know it's wrong and it's not helping when he says my name like that.

"Lance, have you stopped?" The raven hair teen asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, cocking my eyebrow up.

"I think you know exactly know what I mean," He says.

I do, but I don't want to tell you because you'll be disappointed in me. Disgusted. Pity me. I don't want that.

"Lance, tell me please. I need to know so I can help you," Keith says.

A sob wrenches out of my throat. "N-No, I haven't s-stopped," I sob.

Keith pulls me into his chest. He surprisingly smells like... grapefruit? Huh, nice...

Another sob escapes my mouth. Keith start to coo sweet nothings in my ear, but I could hardly understand what he is saying because I am to engaged in trying to stop crying I front of my 'rival.'

"Lance, do you think you can stop? No one here I'm the castle is going to hurt you like that. I won't let them," Keith says.

I don't reply, I just wipe my eyes and say, "Thanks Keith. Sorry I got your shirt all wet."
(A/N~ Shirt autocorrected to Shiro)

"It's fine. As long your ok, I'm not mad," Keith says with a smile.

I smile back. "Keith, can we stop being rivals and just be... I don't know... friends?" I ask sheepishly.

Keith's smile grows, "I'd love that."

(A/N~ Words: 749
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