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Horaces POV

I stood in the middle of the store in the bright blue uniform i hated. In the bright lights and cheerful music playing. It was enough to drive a normally happy person like me insane. All the kids screaming and the parents that don't even parent. I like kids and all......actually i love kids. The thing i hate is the kids parents. Thinking that if they let their kid do whatever they want they will turn out just great. But they need to actually put effort in. Unlike my parents did. Just because you are rich doesn't mean you can leave your child home alone half the time.

This uniform, music, lights and most of all the parents have taught me to hate my job. Well my college job.Im going to college for design. Clothing design actually. And when i'm done with college i can get a new job and quit working here. At this hell hole that for some reason kids just love but all the employees hated.

Build a bear workshop isn't all hugs and kisses though. A Lot of spoiled brats. And today only me and my coworker Bronwyn are working. Usually my friend Millard works with me but he quit last week. I was so mad about him leaving me alone but I understand that he wanted to get out. So now it's just me and Bronwyn for the 1:30 to 5:30 shift. She works in the back though. So it's me in the store front by myself with that stupid music playing.

But i keep telling myself it could be worse. I would have to wear a dress all day and pretend to be a girl. I would have to wear a mask all day so I couldn't see. The store could be not air conditioned. Their could be worse music playing. They could be playing it's a small world all day. Or even worse......Justin Bieber.

I walk around the perimeter of the store waiting for somebody to come in. I walked past all the tacky outfits for the bears that are way overpriced by the way. They probably cost 3 dollars maximum to make those 'clothes' for the bears. If you can even call those pieces of fabric clothes. I wouldn't even to put those things on my cat. And I hate my cat. Because it hates me but is my sisters best friend. The cat loves Claire. But hates me. I don't get it.

Business has been really slow today and I have only been frustrated at parents once. Which I think is a record for anyone that's ever worked at the store. I looked at my watch to read the time. 5:15. Thankfully my shift is almost over.

I walked around some more trying to pad the time. I was by the back of the store when I heard the bell above the door ring. I walked to a point where I could see the people that entered. I then saw what looked like a guy about my age wearing all black. He was looking at the bears that a lot of girls picked out. That was really weird. He probably was like other people trying to make fun of me for working here.

I walked over to him and as I got closer I realized he's really cute. He is a little shorter than me and wasn't one thin like me. He had a short of stomach which I just love. Shut up Horace. Just shut up.

"Can I help you with anything?" I asked him. He looked at me and he was gorgeous. Oh god. Calm down Horace.

"Ummm....ya Horace" he said. Wait how did he know....

" Exactly how do you know my name." I asked him starting to get suspicious.

He then walked over and pointed at my shirt. "It's on you're name tag." He said. Oh ya. " My name is Enoch by the way." His voice was deep and had a certain hint of sarcasm in it that sounded so amazing. Wait.... I just meet the guy. Stop thinking about this he is just a customer.

"Okay Enoch. What are you looking for today?" I asked. Why am I nervous about talking to him. He's just a person.

"I'm actually looking for something for my daughter. I'm a single dad actually and have no idea what to get her." Of course. He must be straight. I mean he has a daughter something had to happen for him to get her. Yep Why are the good ones always straight.

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