A dress

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One last stitch.....


"That took longer than I expected. Right venom?" I asked the small white dog that sat next to me. No response like normal. He sat there panting his small tongue hanging outside his mouth.

"Good boy." I said placing my hand on the dogs head scratching it. Im glad we got him. He always kept me company on these long days of finishing a dress outside of work.

I took a piece of paper and a pen out of my drawer near my sewing machine and needles. Then i started to write. ' My name is Horace Somnusson and i am 27 years old. I design and make wedding dresses for my small shop in the city. I have been doing this for 5 years and i've gotten pretty good at making the dresses by now. I have a small dog named venom. I didn't chose the name of course. My boyfriend gave him the name. Right now he is off somewhere in the world fighting for our country. I don't know where he is or what war he is fighting in. I haven't seen him in a year and a half. I don't know when he is coming home. They originally said 2 and a half years. I miss him so much."

After i completed writing the note i put it in a envelope. Then wrote the name Fiona on the top. She was the client the dress i just completed was going to. She is getting married in a few days so i needed to get the dress done to get it to her so she could become Mrs. Apiston. Sometimes my clients like fiona asked for my story. it was always offered to them because they told me theres. It isn't that interesting like some of the others i get but it my story.

I walked the dress i just completed over to the box it needs to go in so i can bring it to work tomorrow. I folded the dress neatly so i didn't have to steam it as much tomorrow at work and placed the note in the box on top of the dress. I picked up the rather light box ad placed it next to my work bag. I dug through my work bag to find something. I dug through all my stuff which mostly contained extra needles and thread some paper and pens.

I then felt the thing i was looking for a pulled it out. I stared at the framed picture of me and my boyfriend. We were on a park bench and he had his arm around me. Its one of the few he was actually smiling in. We were eating ice cream and managed to get some on his nose. I remember kissing him on the nose to get it off and him yelling that it tickled. We were so happy.

We took that picture about a month before he was deployed for the last time. He had been deployed many times before but never for this long. And after this je would be done with the military. Then he would never have to leave me again. He could get another job and we could live happily ever after with our dog. But i still have to wait about a year for that to happen. Another long year until I see my boyfriend enoch

I put the picture back in my bag and walked out of my sewing room with venom. With the money from my shop me and Enoch were able to buy a decent sized one floor house. It has 3 bedrooms. When he is home we share one, one is a guest bedroom and the other we converted into a workshop for me. It still wasn't finished by the time he left. He left 2 weeks after we moved into the house. I had to finish unpacking without him.

Me and venom turned the corner walking into our room. He went straight to the box on the floor and sat beside it. He knew what we did every night and he seemed to like this part. And i did to

Before Enoch left he wrote a letter to me and the dog for everyday he would be gone. All of them are different all 913 of them. He wrote almost a thousand letters! Just for me and venom. He is always so sweet. Even though he would never admit it.

When ever i was sad i would reread the letters he had wrote and it always made me feel better. But it also made me miss him more. No contact for a year and a half. A little over it actually and it hurts so much. I miss his sarcastic tone and The little belly that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get rid of. The way he didn't smile he smirked unless he was really happy. How when i got tired when we went on walks he would let me get on his back and he would carry me home. I missed everything.

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