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**Warning** Contains scenes that may be triggering or make you fangirl/cry until you drop. Or stab someone ( You know who you are)

Enochs POV

I took of chunk of clay of the block of it that i had in the basement of the house. I then walked over to my work bench and sat down. I took my tool box from under the bench and went to work. I then began to separate the clay into different pieces for my newest edition to my homunculi army. I took off 4 smallish pieces for arms and legs that i would sculpt soon. I took of a bigger piece for a head and left the rest for the body. I began to roll the largest piece of clay into a shape of a body. The first few times i did this i wasn't satisfied with the shape. After a few tries I was somewhat happy with the shape i made. I made a slit in the body to put a heart in later.

I then picked up a smaller ball of clay and rolled it out into a arm like shape. I them sculpted the end of it into hands. I then gave my creation fingers. I always have trouble with this part but i always get through it. After 10 minutes i finished the fingers. I then took a tool from my box. A wire brush i call it. I brush it against the end of the arm and where the arm is going on the body.

I then put that aside so i could attach everything at once later. I then did the same thing with another ball of clay to make another arm. I used my wire brush on the arm and on the other side of the body. I picked up the last 2 small parts of clay and made them into legs. Using the wire brush again.

It seemed like clockwork. I have made so many of these it has actually sucked the fun out of it. I just stayed alone all day making them so my army can expand. I don't talk to people or even make eye contact with people. Millard says it won't help when I need to find my soulmate.

All us peculiars have soulmates. Most of them are other peculiars. If you have meet them you may not even know that they are your soulmate. People say you will know over time.

I think that's a load of bull shit.

The soulmate thing is real. I know that. Because of people Like Hugh and Fiona. But I don't think I will know over time. Some peculiars never find their soulmate. And they never know. But when the news comes out everyone else knows.

You can not live without your soulmate. If they die you die. And if one is dying unnaturally the other person feels everything they feel. They can try to find their soulmate but a lot of the times it's too late. Whenever miss peregrine tells us about a death people cry for hours. I couldn't care less.

I don't want to meet my soulmate. They will just get in the way.

So if i stayed away from people i couldn't meet my soulmate. Because they are not in this loop. I would have known by now if they were. And even if they were in this loop i would then avoid them at all costs. Don't want people all up in my business. The only person that needs to know about me is me. End of story.

I took the piece of clay that i put aside for the head and rolled it into a ball. I made two xs for eyes. And made a line for a mouth. Nothing fancy. Just a basic model for homunculi.

After doing the wire thing again i took a cloth out of my toolbox. I dipped the end of it into my bowl of water. The bowl and water was the same stuff i used yesterday. I didn't put it away after i missed curfew yesterday. i'm surprised Miss.Peregrine hasn't yelled at me for leaving it out and not being in my room on time.

I used the towel to make the places i swatched damp. It's easier to connect them that way. I attached the arms and legs to the body and blended the clay together so they wouldn't fall apart. At least as long as i wanted them to stay together. I took my time attaching the head to make sure it wouldn't fall off. It's a real shame when they lose their heads. But watching them run around headless is really funny!

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