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In this one shot the majority of the children are 26

Horaces POV

Me and Enoch where sitting on the sofa in his apartment talking.

"Remember in the loop when Milliard always ran around naked." Enoch said laughing.

"I do Enoch. It really didn't help that i had a huge crush on him for  awhile when he did it." i then replied.

"Oh ya. " Enoch said no longer smiling. 

"It was always so awkward trying to talk to him."

"Hey Horace i have some stuff to do for work. Maybe you can go figure out how to observe crushes."

I looked at him confused. "I think i know when someone has a crush on me." I said this and then left.

As i was walking down the hall i kept thinking of what he said. I totally know when someone likes me. Like when milliard and i dated for a while. We actually kissed too. Take that Enoch!

But milliard seemed pretty sad after that. Maybe because i sort of quoted victor.  Wait. Did victor like me?


 " Have you ever wanted to leave this loop?" Victor asked while me and him were laying on the grass. i was on a towel.

"Not really. There are not a lot of surprises in here. What about you?"

Victor turned on his side to face me. " Sometimes i want to but i just cant. I don't want to leave 2 people here."

Wait two people? Bronwyn's only one person. He then grabbed my hand. "Are you OK Horace?"

"Not really. I have been really confused lately. I want to ask out Milliard but i fell it wouldn't work."

His expression went from happy to sad in a instant. " Just do it i don't care. No one cares." Then he stood up and walked away. Crying?

*Real time*

He did like me. And then i..... Oh! He left shortly after that. I was the other person. I was so sad when he left. But i caused that. If only i picked up on it. That's why Bronwyn ignored me. 

But i couldn't have possibly ruined my relationship with milliard. We dated for a long time in and out of the loop. I mean he always bought me flowers. And held my hand and gave me all his free time. 

He wouldn't have done that unless he enjoyed it. And he was always there when i had a dream.


"Horace......Horace.....Horace wake up!" Milliard was shaking me trying to get me awake. Once i opened my eyes they filled with tears. He quickly pulled me close.

We were in the room we shared at jakes house. It was big and lonely. I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend and cried into his shoulder. Still shaking with fear.

Milliard pulled one of his hands away and pressed play on our radio. He always kept classical music in there for when i had a night mare. 

"What happened this time." He said while rubbing my back. I pulled away and looked at where his face was.

"It was horrible milliard! Me and Enoch where having a friend picnic like we do the 17th of every month. And then a hollow came out of the woods and killed Enoch! I then ran to you but you said "Go tell your friend Enoch that.' Then the hollow came killed me!"

"Its OK horace. But isn't that your 3 dream about Enoch this month?"

"Ya because hes my best friend and best friends worry about each other."

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