"Aaron." I breathed his name but I hadn't meant to. His eyes darkened as I continued to stare in to the depths of them. His body went rigid and I hold ferl the connection sizzle between the both of us. It was almost stifling.

"I can't." He breathed before squeezing his eyes shut tightly. He kept them shut. "You need to stop."

"I haven't done anything." I stated. He was the one doing everything. He followed me around, he talked to me when he wasn't really meant to. He looked in to my eyes and he made me feel alive.

"You haven't done anything?" He spluttered. Once his eyes were open, he looked to me with a different kind of wild. "You're making me go fucking crazy."

"I haven't deliberately done anything." I spluttered back. Aaron moved closer to my body and lowered his head until his was right infront of mine. His eyes were still dark and wild, like something I hadn't seen before. He was like something I hadn't seen before.

"You've made me think about you every fucking time I go back to my cell. My body hasn't felt anything since I've been here and now all it's doing is fucking buzzing every time I think of you. I'm aching to have you beneath me, Chloe, I've been here two years and the tension's killing me already." His hands clenched in to fists beside him. "You've been here one fucking week."

His words made my throat tight and the saliva in my mouth was hard to swallow. My body went hot beneath my uniform and I would have given anything to take it all off right in front of him. Maybe it was his eyes or the words he just said, but something was making me confident and I was thriving in it.

"Maybe..." I trailed off as I found it hard to breath. "Maybe this will all blow over." I didn't want it to. Maybe I wanted him too, but it had to. I couldn't do anything with him, he was in here for murder for Christ sake.

No, this was way too dangerous and highly bloody illegal. This needed to stop.

"Blow over?" He started to chuckle but it had no humour in it. "You think this can all blow over?" He hissed. "Nah, you're fucking bonkers."

"This needs to stop now." I stated. "You need to stop all of this." I was firm and collected this time. I had to be.

"I'm trying!" He snapped loudly. I looked around us with panic but found nobody was looking our way. Aaron didn't care anyway, he continued to stare me out with that look of his.

"Try harder." I snapped back before walking away. Before I could walk further, Aaron took hold of my elbow and turned me back around. We were going to get caught if he carried on.

"There's a vacant room, top floor, end of the corridor." He whispered in my ear. "Meet me there, Chloe, and let me show you just how badly I want you."

"Go and fuck your self." I whispered back.

"I've been trying." He snapped again, but quieter this time. "Meet me, top floor." He demanded. Who did he think he was?

"Leave me alone." I said. My resolve was slipping but I knew I needed to keep my calm. This man wasn't going to get me to lose my job. This man wasn't going to be my weakness.

"I'm going to have you beneath me, Chloe, it's going to happen." He growled. "Because I know you want me too."

"I do not-"

"You do." He said. "And you can have me, baby, whenever. Just don't forget, top floor."

"I can't." I said before pulling my arm out of his grasp and walking away. I was so so close to saying yes. My body was craving it, needing release with the only way I wanted. God, it had only been a week and the connection was something else.

It was a shame to waste such a thing but it had to be done. I couldn't jeopardise my future like this. He had nothing to lose and I had everything.

"I can't do this with you." I said as I looked him square in the eye. "I can't let myself ruin what I've got."

With those words, I left him standing there.

Once I got to the cafeteria door, I looked back. Aaron was still standing there, his eyes trained on me. When I looked to him, not a muscle moved.

I had to turn away and walk. I had to leave him there before I waked the opposite way and dragged him to top floor.

So I did.

I walked away.


I was drunk, well and truly. Sarah looked to me, her gaze almost as slow and as droopy as mine.

"You've got to have at least one celebrity crush!" She gushed out. I shook my head and continued to do so until I started to get a headache. Still, I was way too drunk to care.

"No." I pouted. "Ryan Gosling's a dish but he's blonde." I turned my nose up.

"So?" She let out. "Who cares if he's blonde?"

"I do." I had never been in to blondes.

"You're the weirdest girl I have ever met." She slurred. She chuckled straight after and I couldn't help but join in. After we had finished, Sarah moved closer to my body as if ready to tell me a secret. "Do you fancy any of the inmates at work?" She asked.

Even drunk, my body started to react. I thought of Aaron and his tattoos, Aaron and his dark, dark hair. I thought of Aaron and I knew I really shouldn't have.

"Why have you gone all dreamy on me?" Sarah asked, moving back in her chair and narrowing her eyes my way. "You fancy an inmate!" She let out as she started to giggle loudly.

"No." I pouted again. "I don't fancy anybody at work." I tried to sound convincing.

Jesus, if Aaron had a phone in his cell I knew who I would have been drunk calling tonight. My body seemed to want him more now that I was drunk.

It wasn't a good sign.

"Good." She pointed my way. "You're too nice and innocent to be meddling in with people like them." She flicked her hair as a hot waiter went by. "And if you got fired then I wouldn't have anybody to get drunk with on a Saturday evening."

"That sucks." I said, my mind now pre-occupied with somebody else.

Why couldn't he just leave my mind? I didn't want to think of him anymore, I wanted him to leave me alone. I couldn't let him take me over like this.

"In fact, I now take back all I said." She burped quietly before sighing. "They're bad people, Chloe, every single one of them."

She said the words but they didn't register fully in to my mind.

They were all bad, I knew, but I couldn't quite digest the fact that Aaron was bad for me, not when he was right. I did want him, I did want him above me.

I needed help.

Aaron | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now