Imagine #4- I don't need friends

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Damian always found himself alone. In mind, thought, lifestyle and people. Nobody supported him with anything. He was a lone soldier, and maybe he was just destined to be alone for the rest of his life. He had given up on the Teen Titans.

Starfire, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Raven... They had thought he was a loser. Too cocky and confident. He didn't believe in over-confidence. He also didn't believe in negativity. So he left the Teen Titans. He left them and decided to go solo. Just Robin.

Batman too had kicked him out. Grayson had a family now... And the rest he didn't even care enough about. They barely cared about him.

Damian kicked a trash can nearby, into a wall near the class steps.

What they learned was so pointless. He felt sorry for kids who had been doing that their entire life. Luckily, Batman had only just crossed the looney line recently. Superman... Superman was even worse. He just went on a killing spree and got shoved in the slammer again.

Thank God Damian didn't have to make jail time again. He was sick of jail. Alone, as usual, nothing to do. A waste of his life. Three years in jail. Three years.

He was now nineteen. He was almost an adult.

He threw a birdarang at a building angrily.

There were no students around, so none of them caught him up to no good.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a girl sitting on a bench, scrolling through her phone. She had been staring at him, her glance quickly shifting once he looked back.

‘Where are your friends?’ Damian asked.

‘I don't need friends,’ she replied smugly, putting on a beautiful confident smile.

‘Yeah me neither,’ he said and sat down beside her.

First time he'd met a girl that felt the same way. Or at least feigned if the way he did.

Deep down he knew he needed love from somewhere.

Unfortunately for him love was a need and not a want. If he had it his way, he would have made it a want. But he was no god. Just close enough...

‘So, how's about we go “study” then,’ Damian suggested.

‘Yeah okay, stranger... Because we certainly aren't friends,’ she said, taking the words out of his mouth.

‘My place?’ Damian asked, jangling his car keys in his hand.


Damian grabbed the girl's hand. She accepted it begrudgingly, and tightened her grip on his hand, almost squashing it to death. She kicked his shin after he had grasped her hand so tight that all the blood couldn't circulate in and out of her hand.

He smiled and picked her up, carrying her weight over his shoulder, holding her legs in front of him.

The carpark wasn't far, and the girl wasn't heavy. He continued walking at a comfortable pace, strolling through the school grounds.

They got to the car and he lay her down in the back seat.

‘I must be in a dream,’ Damian smiled.

‘Keep your hormones in check, baby,’ she smirked arrogantly.

‘And I thought I had a big ego,’ he saved himself.

He started the engine and within a matter of minutes they arrived at Wayne Manor.

The gardens stood out, beautiful flowers and trees, statues and water features. Like something out of a fairytale. He grabbed her hand and sat her on a bench.

Her floral dress matched the garden, and her smile looked beautiful against the blue sky.

‘Nice study day huh?’ she smiled, elbowing him.

‘You're such a violent girl aren't you...’ Damian smirked.

‘Says Mistah Robin himself,’ she laughed.

‘How do you know?’

‘Same misty brown eyes... Same smile... Same mark on the corner of your chin. Unmistakable.’

‘So how do you feel to be friends with the Robin?’

She laughed.

‘You are friends with the most amazing girl on earth...’

‘I don't need friends,’ he smiled.

Damian Wayne ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang