Imagine #9- Isolation

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(KIND OF) Requested by @SassyQween4

A/N Hi everyone. I'm really sorry I haven't updated this book in ages. Wow. Feel free to leave requests and I will try my best to get to them as soon as possible.

Damian stared down from the rooftop of the building into nothingness. It was pitch dark, not a star to be seen in the sky, and he had gotten his cape torn when it got stuck in the intersection between two walls.

He should have been used to this silence by now. Used to Batman going his way and Damian doing his thing.

He couldn't seem to understand why now it felt strange. Like everything had suddenly become meaningless.

A memory of Batman and him flashed into his head.

It was in a mortuary. The bright white tiled floor and horrible smell of disinfectant that stung his nostrils. This was the worst place for a guy in a black suit and a guy in red, green and yellow to be. Nonetheless, here they were staring at the Joker's ugly smile as he twirled a knife in his palm.

Damian had been only 13. He refused to cooperate with Batman.

'Damian if only you'd stop with that smart mouth, you could spend more time actually kicking the Joker's butt,' he said through gritted teeth.

Batman's gritted teeth were all he ever saw lately. Why did nobody appreciate his service to Gotham City but him?

Why did Batman get all the limelight?

Damian tossed a rock off the building, watching it sail upwards and plummet once again.

'Master Damian,' Alfred's voice startled him.

'Alfred, why are you here?' Damian said, meaning it less emotionally than it came out.

'Master Bruce would like to eat dinner all together tonight,' he said gently.

'He probably has a lady friend over doesn't he?' Damian remarked.

Damian stood up and fired his grapple at the nearest building.

It was all fake. Batman never tried to work with him and now he wanted to pretend they were a happy family?

He could forget it.

Damian Wayne ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now