Imagine #14 - The Alien Girl

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A/N This one was requested as an Injustice imagine: featuring Supergirl and Damian's interaction with her. I hope you enjoy!

Damian jabbed his ninjutsu dual katanas along the poorly cemented crevices of the stone tower in which the strange alien girl was locked.

As he climbed higher and higher, he felt a surge of energy around the window above him, and a strange, intriguing green light radiated for a few metres in front of the window.

He placed his black-glove enclosed hand on the stone windowsill, slipping one of his katanas on his back. He took a pause and inhaled after climbing the few hundred metres that he did, resting momentarily.

He used all of his strength to haul himself up onto the window, and was met with an unexpected reaction - an ordinary, human-looking girl staring at him with a contemplative look on her face.

She stared at him silently, not blinking at all, until a sudden blast of red shot from her eyes and Damian was tossed from the window, plummeting to his death.

He tried to grab his katanas so that he could jab it into the wall, but while he was falling sideways, it was extremely difficult. The wind gushed against his face, and he hoped something would break his fall, even if it would leave him with a few broken bones. As long as he didn't have to die... Again.

Thankfully, the alien had other powers that he didn't expect. A flash of blue zoomed beneath him and grabbed him by the cape, flying him back up to the window.

Damian collapsed onto the red carpet in the small room, feeling shocked and slightly exhausted.

'Who are you?' the alien girl demanded.

'I...' he tried to select his words carefully. 'I am a vigilante.'

'On my planet we have never used such a term. But you look harmless,' she said as she hovered around the room in circles.

Damian took offense to that. He was certain that he looked dangerous, frightening and intimidating. Very certain. But still his eyes scanned the room for a mirror so that he could reassure himself. Unfortunately, the walls were bare.

'What is your purpose here?' she demanded, hovering closer towards him.

She was much taller than him, and the fact that she wasn't on the ground made it worse.

'I... am here to rescue you?' he tried.

'I can leave whenever I want, small fry. But I was told that I must rest till the morning so that we have energy to fight tomorrow morning,' she said jabbing a fist angrily into the wall, stone pieces crumbling and falling onto the floor beneath her.


'By who?' Damian enquired.

'By us,' the door swung open and bright gold, blue and red armour glinted in the torchlight.

'You shouldn't be here, Damian. You should be with Superman,' Wonder Woman instructed.

Damian rolled his eyes at her, paying no heed. He smiled, and ran backwards, backflipping out of the window, falling once again, katana in hand.

This was risky.

But, he jabbed, with all the agility he had, at the wall, hoping to reach between the stone bricks so that he didn't die.

His attempts were failed, over and over again, until he was almost at the ground.

A flash of green light surged in front of him, and the alien girl in blue appeared before him, scooping him up in her arms like he was a bride. He was utterly embarrassed.

In a matter of seconds, she had flown them all the way to the desert outside Kahndaq.

'You have been rescued, small fry,' she said, and zoomed back off into the night.

What the hell was Damian doing?

Well, he didn't work for Superman. He wasn't going to follow him like a shadow. Damian had his own business here. His own mission to accomplish. He had to prove his independence from Batman, and that's what he was here to do.

He began to walk, the tower a mere stick in the distance, but he walked anyway, ready to go back and get rid of Wonder Woman and Black Adam.

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