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That I night I dreamed of Cole. It was sweet and innocent, the kind of dream you remember and smile at.
It was made up of a wild earthy color pallet. More feelings then events.
The damp grass soaking into my jeans as I knelt in it.
The feeling of the cool plastic of my camera in my hand, then the warm rough touch of a hand on mine guiding it to adjust the focus and bring the world into focus through the camera.
I could vaguely Remember lifting my eye from the camera and glancing up to see who was helping me I could see his face, Cole's face, his eyes, his adorable smirk, then it was gone lost in the groggy foggy space you slip through when you first wake up. 
"Fuck." Was the only eloquent word I could manage to utter as I left the cocoon of blankets that surrounded me in my bed.
I grabbed my phone from the bed side table then Stumbled to the bathroom.
I turned the lights on and squinted in the painful brightness then groaned as I saw my horrible reflection in the mirror.
Sighing I hit shuffle on my phone
Watch by Billie Eilish came on.
Sighing again I reached into the drawer and pulled out my makeup bag.

The government should take notes. My makeup is the ultimate cover up job. I cover up all the bad angles to the story and the flaws.

Concealer, check.
Powder, check
Eyebrows, check
Mascara, check
Highlighter, check
There, that wasn't so bad Jane.
I slid my way across the floor to the kitchen and clicked the switch to "on" on the tea kettle, then twirled a spoon in the honey pot then quickly plopped it into my mug.
The closet was next as much as I wish it wasn't.
My closet was a mess, I knew it, but I still couldn't be bothered to pick the clothes I tossed on the floor each morning up.
I already knew what I was going to wear, but like every morning I had to try five outfits before I settled for my original idea.
Soft high waisted green pants with a flowy white top tucked in casually into the waistband.
On my way back to my tea I scooped a cup of food into my cats Dish.
I grabbed my work bag, and slung it over my shoulder, then snatched my tea from the counter and walked toward the door.
Just before I opened the door I looked in the mirror, resisting yet another sigh and ran a hand restlessly through my wavy blonde hair  before exiting and locking the door behind me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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