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It had barely been ten minutes since I had flipped the stores sign from closed to open when the boy walked through the door once again.
The only reason I could tell it was the same person was from his clothes. The hoodie was still draped over his upper half hiding his body.
something had changed, his hood was no longer up and I could see his face as plain as day in morning sunlight filtering through the front windows.
His face had Pale skin, pale enough that I could see the dark bags under his eyes.
His Brown hair was tousled and swooped messily to one side.
what drew my attention was his eyes.
Their resemblance to the ocean was shocking.
I could see the waves breaking in their blue green depths.
They were dark and dangerous. But most noticeable was the wild ruthless power and unpredictability they shared with the sea.
For the first time my imagination couldn't quite harness the right words to tack down and categorize a person.
He flicked his ocean eyes in my direction, scrutinizing me in a matter of seconds. His stare made my stomach turn and my mind race automatically with panicked thoughts about how my face looked, how I compared to other girls he had seen that day.
I struggled but eventually cleared my mind.
"Can I help you?"
I said my voice ringing through the tension in the air.
"Oh...uh-h I'm- I think I'm just going to look at those cameras over there." He said his eyes shifting quickly from my face.

Well then. That went well. Way to screw up yet another encounter. He's a stranger and he probably still hates you.

Shut up.

I shook my head like I was coming up for air from underwater.
I picked up my writing notebook that I kept stashed under the front desk next to my sketch book. I tried to come up with words to describe this man like I did with most interesting people I saw or talked to. I couldn't think. None of the words I scribbled down were right. I'm boredom, I pressed down the button on my mechanical pencil that advanced the led until the whole piece of led was protruding from the pencil. When i tried to push it back in it snapped into two useless pieces.
I muttered under my breath.
I looked over toward the cameras where I knew he would be. When he picked up the cameras his hands shook slightly. He turned them over and over in his hands, admiring them like they were the most precious things he'd ever held.
Eventually he set down the camera he was examining, and stepped across the short expanse of carpet to the book section where he disappeared.
Just like the day before he resurfaced from the sea of used and new literature just before closing time, leaving without so much as a backward glance.

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