Rest (Logic x Morality)

Start from the beginning

"I'll be fine! Just a little sleepy," He tried not to yawn again, shooting Logan a smile to prove he was fine and heading back to where the light was. Once again he stumbled, catching himself against the wall and closing his eyes for a minute. "Okay, I am really tired but... I'll be fine. You just go back to sleep, don't worry about me."

Logan shook his head at the parent, sliding his glasses back on and standing up. He made his way over to Patton, guiding him back over to his bed. Patton, too tired to fight him, allowed Logan to lead him there, sitting down on the bed and closing his eyes again, rubbing his eyes.

"Get some rest." Logan instructed him, gently pushing him to lay back on the bed. "I'll go sleep on the couch, and I know you don't want me to stay up to work so I assure you, I really will get some rest."

Patton shook his head, fighting to sit back up but really wanting to give in and fall asleep. The bed beneath him was warm and comfortable, and sleep sounded amazing.

"I don't-" Another yawn, and he stopped trying to sit back up. "I don't want to kick you out of your room."

"Would you rather I carried you to yours?" Logan offered, and Patton shook his head.

"No, you're tired too. You don't have to do that." Patton sighed. He didn't want to be moved either, but he wouldn't admit that.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Logan questioned, and Patton held his arm, pulling on it.

"Lay with me." Was all he said, too tired to mumbled out any more than that. Logan didn't argue, knowing that if he did the other would continue to fight sleep when he clearly needed it. He was also tired, and didn't really want to leave his room.

He laid down next to Patton, moving the blankets over both of them. He turned over on his side facing away from Patton, surprised when he felt Patton latch on to him.

"Don't forget.." he mumbled, words jumbled. "Glasses."

Logan took a moment to understand what he meant, but nodded once he did, turning over to take Patton's own glasses off of him. After removing his glasses he took off his own, setting them on the nightstand. He turned to ask Patton if he needed anything else, finding the side to already be asleep, still clinging onto him. Logan smiled slightly, shaking his head and getting comfortable himself, closing his eyes and drifting back into sleep.

I thought this idea was really cute

First of all I just wanna talk about some things with messaging me. I've had a lot of people message me, which is awesome!! I love talking to you guys, it's a lot of fun to have conversations with you, but.... listen, I get overwhelmed really easily when talking to people. I also get distracted incredibly easily. If I disappear from our conversation please don't worry it think it's something to do with you. I love you guys, seriously you're all really sweet and awesome. When I do disappear I feel really really bad about it, and I'm worried about messaging first so I just... don't let you know what happened, and I'm sorry that I do that. Literally all you have to do is message me again and I'll respond as soon as I'm able. Just be aware that you might not get an immediate response because some days talking to people is terrifying to me.

I'll try to do better about that, just please don't worry if I don't respond immediately. It's not you, I swear, I'm just awkward as hell. <3 (also introduce yourselves! I wanna know your names and what to call you, I just feel nervous being the only one who has to ask lol)

Another thing is. I... feel genuinely bad for writing too much analogical?? I know I write it a bunch, cause it's the one I like the most but I do understand not everyone does like it. And every time someone tells me "I don't like this ship even tho your writing is good" it's still like... I feel annoying lol. I don't mean to write too much of it, it's just something I enjoy.

Of course, don't get me wrong I love all the other ships too and it doesn't make me any less happy writing them. I just wish there were more analogical books out there, cause I love that ship and I write so much of it for that very reason. So like... don't worry, anything I write I wouldn't be writing unless it was fun for me. I just feel bad for writing it so much I guess. Which is why I've been trying to write more prinxiety/logicality, cause I know people like it better (I also should write more logicxprince cause a lot of people said they'd like that, it's just harder for me to write that one cause it's not my favorite ship ever lol) So basically I just wanna say sorry? At least to the people who don't like analogical. And for those of you who do like analogical don't worry it's not like I'll never write for that ship any more, I still do plan to write the analogical book (whenever I actually finish outlining it at least), and I still will write some analogical oneshots occasionally I'll just try not to do it as often.

So again, I'm sorry, and I'll do better about it.

Speaking of my analogical book... I had a conversation with my mom recently about the things I write and apparently, even tho she knows it's about a gay couple, she wants to read it? So... huh. Not sure how to feel about that just yet. I told her she could, but I'm still just... really embarrassed for her to. Like I'm proud of my writing, I don't think I'm the worst out there, but my mom reading my romance stories..? Idk.

Apparently the only reason(well not the only, but mostly) she was really upset I wrote about it is because she thought I wrote smut. Which... lol, nah mom I wouldn't do that. I think all that is really gross. I can hardly read it sometimes tbh. I mean, that doesn't mean I don't ever but rarely.

Like honestly I can't even write makeout scenes, I just-I can't.

But anyway, that should be interesting... my... entire relationship with my parents changed a bit last night, I think. Some serious shit happened. But.. I found out that they're not mad at me for how I feel. I mean... they're upset cause y'know, I'm their kid and they love me and they don't want me to feel like that, which I've always understood, but I still hate making them feel bad y'know?

I dunno lol. I'm happy to know that my moms proud of me for my writing and wants to read my books, I always thought she just wanted to read them because she didn't trust me but she just wants to support me. Which is nice.

I really do love my parents.

I've been talking... way too long now, so I'll be off now. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. *your favorite song artist pops out, hugs you, and plays your favorite song as it rains ring pops*

 *your favorite song artist pops out, hugs you, and plays your favorite song as it rains ring pops*

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Take care of yourselves. Love you guys. Bye!-Bob

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