Chapter 3: Angel of Death Strikes Again

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  • Dedicated to To the very special someone in my life

To the very specail someone in my life, you know who you are. I'm not naming her by name because im simply not ready to annouce it. Also ik the dedication wont really fit to the theme in this chapter but still, a dedication is a dedication


Pov: Carla

My vision was starting to become true but I stayed positive that it wouldnt be completed, that it could be changed.

"Angel of Death?" asked Natsu having no clue was threatening his friend.

"Ya the one who caused all those churches to burn as well as all those assasinations" said Gray

"And she never shows mercy" added Levy

A howl was hear in the backkground. "We got company" I said

"Drow's minions!!"said Natsu

Pov Angel

"Stay back" I said

"Void" I whispered as i waved my hand. A purple rip in time and space formed around the creatures and swallowed them into nothingness.

"How....di......but you ju......" said Natsu and Gadjeel with jaws wide open.

"Time and space dragon slayer magic, we'll talk about it tommorow. Right now you guys could get some rest, ill stand guard." I said

They all headed into there tents and I climbed my tree with crossbow in hand.

-The next morning-


I walked out the tent to the smell of breakfast.

"Was there any problems" I asked Angel

"No other then this guy" she said pointing to a man tied to the tree with what looked like cobwebs

"You caught Drow!" I yelled

"You caught him and tied him up with Velenix spider webs." I said

"Lucy, close your mouth you'll catch flies" she said tapping my shoulder

-a few hours later-

"Yes I can control time and space, well somewhat. I can travel throught time, space, dimensions, and possible worlds. As long as I follow Destiny's rules." i said 

"Destiny?" asked Gadjeel

"I read about her, she is the drragon/human hybrid, that guards time and space and the worlds destiny." said Levy

"Exactly" I said

"Was she your mother?" asked Wendy

"No, mine was Millenium, but she didnt disapear, she was brutally killed."  I said

"Did you see her die?" asked Pantherlily

"Yes it was terrible" I said

"Yes it was....." I said before Natsu interrupted by saying "Looks like we're here"

We got off and I brought Drow to master makarov.

Pov: Lucy

"Erza, how was your time with your friend" I said

"It was great" she said as we walked outside

"He is so romantic...."



I was sitting next to Levy, Lisanna and Juvia.

"Nice of you and destiny to cast a celestial power spell on Lucy." said Levy

"Yup she can have her spirites out as long as she so desires." i said

"As well as have more then one out. Could anyone remove her ability?" asked Lisanna

For some reason, i was oblivious to everything around me. I was looking over at natsu. His glimmering salmon pink locks, and his rock hard........."Angel!" yelled Levy

"Snap out of it" said Lisanna

"What happenned to me?" I said

"Wait, juvia know that stare, juvia have it all the time for Gray-sama." said juvia as she swooned

"Go for it, you obviously have the hots for Natsu" said Lisanna

"I can't...what about Lucy or even your self." I said 

"We had something but its gone....."she said

"And Lucy?"

"There friends, he thinks nothing else and so does she." said Levy

"I cant"

As the argument pulled over the girls I left and went into the back room. I locked the door and summoned Ariana and Leonardo.

"Start phase 2. Loke and Aries are out, its time." I said

-A few minutes later-


I was walking to go see Loke upstairs. It was his birthday, I was bringing him, his gift. I walked in the room and tears started to emerge and his gift fell to the floor. I ran crying. I bumped into Lucy.

"Aries what's wrong?" said Lucy

"Leo w-wa...was another girl" I said crying

"I thought you two were going out." said Angel

"We were...."

"Summon him Lucy." said Angel


She summoned Leo and she said "You asshole how dare you......"

She didnt finish her sentence because she was stabbed by Leonardo.

"The Angel of Death sends her regards." whispered Leonardo in Lucy's ear as he removed the poison dagger from her abdomen. 

"Lucy, you ok?" asked Aries

"Angel why did he wink at...." I said before I disapeared

Pov: Lucy

I heard some shouting in thee main hall. I saw Angel floatting in the air.

"This is where Fairy tail falls" she said

"All who help Lucy shall die." she continued

"What have you done to Lucy?!" yelled Natsu

"Why dont you ask Leo and Aries." she said as they appeared then they transformed into darker, more evil versions, of the spirits. They looked like assasins.

"Or should I say Ariana and Leonardo. Thanks to miss heartfillia i have drak copies of the zodiac keys. And now she shall rot next to Millenium. All who assist her shall burn like this building." she said setting the building on fire.

"Natsu eat the fire!!!"yelled Gray

"I cant its time and spare fire, eating it would be against destiny." he said

"Juvia and you? Can you put it out?" asked Gray


The building started to collapse. "We need to get out of here" Yelled makarov before part of the roof fell on him.

"Master!!!" we yelled



warning from this moment on there will be death

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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