Finding Out the Hard Way

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Love is irrelevant. It’s stupid, pointless, and overall terrible. What sane person would chose love? To choose worry, anxiety, heartbreak, and depression, to choose to have your heart ripped out of your body, stomped on, and then chucked away like old garbage.

I guess I’m insane. Even with all the bad, love is pretty great. Despite all the cons there are SOME pros. Maybe that’s why so many people chose to go through all that pain. I guess that’s why I chose to fall in love.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and the birds were singing- oh wait, that doesn’t sound right. Oh yes I remember now!

It was dark, wet, cold, depressing, and I was sitting on a swing in the park. Rain fell on my shoulders and was being soaked in by my sweater. Tears fell from my cheeks as I made small whimpering noises. I was pathetic, from my bright green sweater to my white mini skirt and summer wedges. I thought love would last forever; we would always be together, no matter what. It was the no matter what that had gotten me, false promises that flooded my mind swirling around and making me crazy. Everyone saw it, the craziness that possessed me, filled me with dreams consisting of chocolates, roses, and everything in between. It wasn’t my best hour, nor my worst I admit.

Anyway, so there I sat with my head in my hands, swinging idly in the pouring rain, crying my eyes out. I had pushed away everyone that was dear to me every one I cared about and love. I had no one I could ask for help,  no one to make the pain go away. Only him, and he had left, for another pretty face I presume. My eyes were bloodshot; I had snot coming down, and tears spilling and I was whimpering, like a pathetic puppy. Nothing I tried could make the pain go away. I had settled for a one person pity party, exclusively for me because I had no one else. I guess it was there I realized I had let that asshole control my life. I pushed away my friends to please him, told my parents to take a hike so I could be with him, and even ostracized the rest of the school.

Spoiler alert, it wasn’t worth it at all. I spent the rest of that school year trying to gain back the friends I had pushed away; it wasn’t easy seeing how I was so terrible to them.  Eventually I was able to work for them back, and they forgave my stupidity. I was so thankful I wouldn’t have to finish school without friends, but this isn’t a story about friendship. This is a story about how I was able to meet the most amazing person ever, even if I didn’t think that at first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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