I pushed the heavy door open and dragged in Kathleen.

"Hey Judy," I said to the secretary. She's a friend of my mom's so we just called her Judy.

"Hey Eliana," She peered around me. "This must be Kathleen."

Kathleen stepped up and took Judy's outstretched hand. "Hi."

"You can just call me Mrs. Miller," She glanced around. "I thought Adam was supposed to take you here?"

"He was, but the idiot got distracted drooling over a motorcycle," I explained. She nodded her head understanding.

"Here you go sweetheart," Judy said handing Kathleen's schedule over to her, along with a piece of paper that had her locker number and combination.

"Could you take Kathleen to her locker?" She asked.

I nodded and pulled Kathleen away with a wave over my shoulder. I looked over at her piece of paper that held her locker number. She was right around my locker.

"I thought we bought that shirt so you would have something girly to wear," Kathleen stated glancing at my shirt.

I stopped and looked down at my shirt. "This is girly."

She pulled off my jacket revealing the lace back and cooling me off by a few degrees.

"Now that doesn't look like a bad ass and more like... well you," She said and started walking the way we were headed.

We reached her locker which was across the hallway and down a bit from my locker. She got her combination in and I left her to go dump off my stuff off at my locker. I swapped a couple of books and then heard a whistling noise. It came again in that way that guys use on hot girls. I turned around and saw a couple of guys passing by Kathleen's locker. They reached the Algebra classroom, and then turned around again and started whistling again. I glanced over at Kathleen and saw her head low and her face covered by red curls, but the back of her neck was beet red. I dropped my book bag into my locker, and went over to Kathleen who was just pulling out a couple of notebooks and setting them on the top shelf of her locker. Eric, the boy who was making the whistling noises, was just reaching Kathleen. He had his back to me.

"Hey, what's your name baby?" Eric asked. His other friend stood a bit behind him.

Kathleen still wasn't looking up at them. From the little time I spent with her I knew she wouldn't, she was just too shy. I pushed the other dude, Tye I think, into the locker and pulled Eric away from Kathleen so I could get to her.

"What the hell Eliana?" They both asked.

"Back off," I growled.

"Why should I? Maybe she likes me?" He asked.

I heard a growl coming from behind me. Eric's eyes looked up and widened. I turned around at the same time Kathleen did. Adam stood there looking as pissed off as ever. I smirked to myself thinking of how much trouble Eric and Tye were in. I pulled myself and Kathleen behind Adam.

Wrong move! Was the first thought that crossed my mind as I looked into black eyes. I detached myself from Kathleen and started running. I had to jump over bags girls were dropping in an attempt to get out of the way before being killed by wither Dylan or I. What was his problem? I dashed into the girl's bathroom locking myself in a stall. I nearly ran over some blond chick chatting with her friend in here.

"Eliana I swear get your ass out here," Dylan screamed not wanting to go in the girl's bathroom.

I started laughing. "Or what?" I asked.

I heard the girls who were in here screech; telling Dylan had just come in.

"Could you please get out?" He asked trying to keep himself from yelling.

I heard tapping from heels fading away, followed by giggling. Damn girls, don't leave me with him. I heard heavy footsteps heading towards my stall. A shadow appeared under the stall door as the footsteps stopped.

"Come out," Dylan growled.

"Why?" I asked. In response he banged on the door. "Why are you even angry? It can't still be because of my outfit."

There was a long break. I was starting to move around to the bottom of the stall to crawl over to the next.

"Because of the smell," He whispered, trying not to growl at me, making it sound more like a purr; a very creepy purr.

I froze my legs in the other stall and my arms holding onto the floor. He knew. Shit, I was so screwed. I still wasn't moving just laying there on my stomach.

"It took me a while to figure it out, but I knew that smell after we passed one of theirs this morning when we stopped to fill up gas." His voice was still calm, which to tell you the truth was even scarier then if it was full of anger.

I was still frozen, and it took me a minute to figure out how to move my arms and legs so I was sitting on the bathroom floor rather than lying on the floor. I was still processing what he said and when the full power of his words hit me I was starting to panic. Would he dare tell anyone and get me into a shit load of trouble?

With an unsure voice I broke the silence. "Are you going to tell anyone?"

"Could you please come out here?" He begged.

I stood up and unlocked the door stepping out with my head low and my arms behind my back. I was trying to get some sympathy from him. He grabbed onto me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"What the hell had you been up to?" He sighed.

Then I understood the anger and the hug. He was terrified I had done something that would get me killed. Something unforgivable. He was holding onto me to make sure I was safe and no one could hurt me.

"I-" The first bell rang breaking off my explenation. "I have to go. I promise I'll explain later."

I was released from his bear hug and looked up into his now blue eyes. He was relaxed and I was too. I left him standing in the girl's bathroom. I found Kathleen standing there with Adam and my brothers.

"What was that all about?" Adam asked.

I glanced at the bathroom and found Dylan just leaving the bathroom and heading to class. I looked back at my brothers and realized they knew about none of this.

"Nothing. I've settled it with him." I pulled out my bag and stuffed it with some random books and notebooks, not even paying attention to what subjects they were, and headed off to class leaving the rest of them standing there confused.

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