Her Old Friend

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Emma's POV

        I knew that Chiron knew who I was, he was just acting because I told him so before I came. He was doing a really good job at it.   

       "You are Annabeth Chase, right?" I asked

      " Yes, how did you know my last name" annabeth asked 

"We used to go to the architect school together, remember me, Emma?" I asked

Her eyes dawned with realization, " Oh yeah, now I remember, we used to be good friends! But I never knew what your last name was"

What should I tell her. I began to get nervous. " Oh.....um..well...you see...I was told that I shouldn't tell anyone my last name, until I get claimed. I was told that this was for my own safety. I don't remember who told me that."

" Really that's strange!" Percy said 

 " Yes, I guess it is. Wait.... what's your last name"

" Jackson, why? " 

I could feel my eyes becoming wider. Could he be who I think he is?

" Umm, n-no r-reason" 


      Then, out of nowhere, we hear the sound of a monster. We went out of camp to find out what was happening and we realized that Medusa was fighting a very injured half blood since he couldn't look at her. 

     Percy and Annabeth started to attack her, but then Annabeth got thrown onto Percy. I was so worried, I won't  be able to save them  unless I use my powers and if I use then then my cover will be blown. 

     Just as Medusa was getting ready to strike Percy and Annabeth, I summoned  a tornadoe and blew her aside, then I stabbed her with my sword.

     Everyone just stared at me. 

     "Wait.....if you can control the water, that means that you..... she gasps, you are a daughter of Poseidon," said  Annabeth. " But why didn't you get claimed?"

     " yes I am a daughter of Poseidon and I have already been claimed. Look, none of you know my last name because I was told by my father not to tell anyone my last name, who my father is, that I'm a demigod." I said

    "  So, you're telling me that Poseidon has been hiding you from me and the world? Why? "

   " I was born at around the same time Thalia was, and like Zeus, Poseidon tried to keep me a secret." However, with al of the confusion with Thaila being born and turning into a tree, monsters forgot about me. Before you ask, I did come to Camo Half Blood before, when I was 7 to train. But then on a quest, I got trapped in one of Kronos caves in the Labyrinth, and in there time speeds up while You age slowly." I replied

     " So, when Dadleus died and the labyrinth disappeared from existence, you were freed, right? Annabeth asked

     " Yes, and my father told my brother to pretend that I never existed and to never tell anyone, even my little brother." 

    " you have a little brother? Is he at camp?" Annabeth asked

  " Yes, my mom is also...............( who has the same mom as Emma?)



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