Chapter 7

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First Person's POV

Ms. Bustier assigned the students to read the chapters 2-4 from their books. Marinette wasn't really interested and was rather sleepy for someone who woke up real late.

Time Skip to Lunch since I'm very lazy and I know it.

Their gang went to the cafeteria and they sat in one of the tables near the corner talking about stuff, laughing and just fooling around. Except for one person, Sapphire.

"Have you heard that we're going on a trip (in our favorite rocket ship, zooming through the sky, Lol) to London next week? I'm so excited for it" Alya said and before Marinette could say anything, Lila, a girl from their Spanish class, who was known to be obsessed with Adrien (along eith Chloe), interrupted.

"Don't you guys know, me and the princess are really great friends!" She bragged her lie to them and crossed her fingers. She continued to talk fake things to the real people.

Sapphire smirked almost laughing then said "You, be friends with the princess? So hilarious, I bet you're lying cause' a princess wouldn't befriend a selfish brat like you!" Sapphire laughed out.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Adrien asked, "Just passing by and heard what you're talking about, and you" She pointed at the princess who just laughed "Me and the princess are close, I am not lying!"

"You are"

"I clearly am not!"

Lila was now yelling, upon realizing she immediately ran off to Chloe's table.

Sapphire laughed clutching her stomach.

Same old thing to do at lunch time.

~Time Skip~

The bell rang and they went to their  classes.

The teacher announced the news they already knew and are going next week and all their parents agreed for them to go.

Adriens' POV
My classmates cheered. The only thing on my mind was:

I get to spend time with Mari.

Time flew by fast and its dismissal time again. I got outside the school and saw my limo pull up then I went inside. I got home and saw mom in the couch with dad watching TV.

"Hey mom, dad!"

"Oh hey Adrien! Welcome home, how was your day?" My mom asked me, we kept talking for minutes, we ate then I did my routine and slept.


First Person's POV

In the middle of the night, Adrien had awoken up because of an incoming call. He looked at it and saw....
Nino's contact in the screen.

"Hi dude!" -Nino

"What do you want?! It's frickin' *checks time* 1:28 in the morning" -Adrien whisper shouted at his best friend while rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Sorry dude. But this is really important you gotta know about this." -Nino

"What is it then, that it's so important you have to call me so damn early?" -Adrien eventually calmed down a little, thinking of what his friend has in store for him. Why would he call early in the morning? What is so important that it can't wait tomorrow? It really got him thinking, because Nino never called at early in the morning before.

"It's about Marinette!" -Nino said at the other end of the line. He was pumped knowing that his bestfriend would get all excited --because of his crush on the bug-loving bluenette-- about it.

"Whas is it about Mari?" -Adrien on the other hand was getting excited yet nervous for what his friend has in store for him.


"Their croissant is really delicious even the macarons!" -Nino exclaimed at his now bored buddy who was super excited about what he already knew. Like seriously, we all know that Mari's parents' baking is like the best of the best.

"Seriously? Goodnight." -Adrien was like 'I was woken up in the morning and what I thought was important is really what I already know' rubbing his eyes.

"G'ni-" before Nino even finishes his sentence Adrien already ended the call thinking of it as a nonsense call. With that said he placed his phone in his nightstand and switched the lamp off. Wait- did I tell you that he turned it on earlier, oh whatever.

Adrien snuggled under the covers or his blanket on his bed.

Meanwhile.................................This is taking forever............ok

Marinette was sleeeping peacefuly. 'Was'.  Nothing really funny but she has a nightmare about Mr. Poopypants of course, but it turned to another peaceful sleep with a funny dream. Captain Underpants was like 'Fra/ La la la'. Then the toilet-bowl thingie started zapping the stupid schoolkids that was watching. Mari was one of them. Hahahah I can be cruel. You know thw rest being saved by Captain Underpants and his NEW ASSISTANT OR SIDEKICK Chat Undernoir. That was most of her dream.

You might find it extremely creepy.

Marinette then woke up did the things she should do. Why not? And laughed her arse off while heading to school.

Alya was in her phone updating the School Vlog when Marinette came still laughing her arse off heading out her limo. Alya just stared at her weird then went inside the school.

Eventually the laughter died down and Marinette's normal self has returned and also has Adrien went in the classroom.

Chloe was------> flipping her hair and her fake nail was accidentally removed and her expression was 'WTF' and the class was ROtFL. Surprisingly (not) Adrien laughed hard joining in the class.

Sadly, Ms. B walked in stepping on the fake nail and their goes another round *ting, ting* of laughter. That wasn't sad after all. Might as well join in. Hahahahahahaha.....

Timeskip to another fake nail removed and Mr. Damocles was the one who stepped on it....

After laughing hard and listening to the teacher about boring lessons and boring lecturing about fudging not listening to Ms. B the bell rang.

Mari and her prince charming 'Adrien' to be exact entered the cafeteria and everyone bows down to them, jk, shit.

They entered with DjWifi holding hands and that's the end of it. Another corny joke from me.

They scanned the room for an empty table and walk towards one (remember they have no chair just table, jk, again.)

Timeskip because of the laziness getting the best of me...

They went home, let me be specific.

Marinette went home and gave the slip of paper to her aunt and Tikki signed it. Sapphire was already there and it was their classmates turn to know who they truly are. When will their reflection show, who they are inside.

Okay so that's the end of the chapter I'm kinda planning to shorten this 'cause I don't really know. Have a good day.

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