Three: This world has living and breathing dinosaurs!

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Ayva stared in shock.

"WHAT THE HELL?! THE GAME NEVER MENTIONED ANY FREAKIN DINOSAURS!" Her voice was so loud, it almost reached the ears of the laughing teenage boys on the backs of the dinosaurs themselves.

Daniel and Ayva just stood there.

Soon, the boys reached the front of the house. The originally rowdy group quietened down as they stared at the beautiful woman before them—completely disregarding Daniel's entire existence and presence.

Ayva seemed to have not realised they were there—instead, making eye contact with the small dinosaurs beneath them.

One boy licked his lips, staring down at the entranced woman. "Well well well, is this a gift for us? She's very pretty..." What the boys heard after that shocked them.

Many snarls ripped through the air, most of which were animalistic. Soon, the dinosaurs beneath them started to kick and move—an attempt to get them off. An attempt that worked.

After successfully getting rid of the pests on their backs, the dinosaurs went up to Ayva—surrounding her and nudging her with their rounded heads. She stared at them, even reaching out to pet the intrusive animals.

"Raptors." Her words came out in a whisper.

Daniel—along with all those perverted boys—just looked at Ayva and her interaction with the prehistoric beasts in shock but for different reasons. Daniel because he had never met a dinosaur in his life before—only obsessing over their excavations as well as the information about the dinosaurs—and the boys because they had never seen the animals be so disobedient.

One boy stepped forward, his face a flaming red. "Oi! What are you doing touching our Raptors?! Do you even understand how hard they are to train, you stupid woman?!" The girl broke out of her—training her glaring eyes on him.

The raptors surrounding her started to advance, snarling at the group of males. Each stared in shock, almost shaking in their all-too-expensive leather boots. There was a scream of terror that ripped through the air and Ayva cringed, covering her ears in slight pain.

This made the dinosaurs even angrier. Three of the five advanced towards the pack while the other two stayed behind, tending to the crouched-over woman.

Quickly, Daniel spoke up. "Avs, the Raptors are about to attack! I think they're trying to injure them because of you, stop them! I can't have blood on my hands... Not after Elly. Please." Ayva looked up, nodding quickly before letting out a sharp whistle.

The three Raptors stopped their advancement and turned their heads to look at the tiny woman. She made a gesture with her hand, indicating them to come back to her. At first, they refused, letting out small growls and snarls of disapproval before finally being beaten by her killer motherly stare.

They returned to her side, going from a snarling angry scaly ball of rage to showering Ayva in affection. The group of boys just stared at the girl and the dinosaurs in shock.

Has there ever been someone like this? Someone that could communicate—and command —dinosaurs even if they've just met? They knew the Raptors and the small girl had just met, after all, the boys had watched over the Raptors since they were born long ago.

No outsider was allowed communication with the dinosaur weapons inside the Academy or inside the government. It was forbidden and a rule no one dared to break. The only option was that this girl had some sort of connection with the scaly creatures.

It was too strange...

When Ayva spoke up next, she was petting the two Raptors standing on either side of hers while the others eyed the boys angrily.

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