Chapter 12: Semi finals

Start from the beginning

Harrison - "Use Shadow Ball!"

Then two small black orbs appear at the tips of Sneasel's claws. Then, Sneasel brings them together forming one black orb and fires it at the opponent. The attack made an impact to Hydreigon but after the dust and smoke disappeared, Hydreigon is standing, unaffected by the attack, then Harrison notice something ask him to Red.

Harrison - "How come your Hydreigon doesn't affect by any of my attacks?" he asked then Red said,

Red - "Through our training, He managed to withstand any attacks. Now finish this with Outrage!"

Hydreigon's body is outlined in a red aura. It then goes on a rampage, attacking everything on sight. He then saw Sneasel and dashes to him with godspeed because of the Outrage. He then attacks Sneasel with headbutt five times. Red saw Sneasel that he can't take it anymore and he said to Hydreigon,

Red - "Alright, Hydreigon you can stop now and calm down."

Hydreigon hears his order from his master and stops attacking Sneasel and calmed himself down and he didn't get the status, confused because he is immune to it. Sneasel is laying down on the ground with several bruises around his body and swirls from his eyes.

Referee - "Sneasel is unable to battle! Hydreigon wins."

Harrison returned his Sneasel, thank him and get another pokéball and the pokémon came out of the pokéball is Houndoom.

Red - "Hydreigon, return"

Hydreigon then returned to his pokéball. (Before the semifinals begun, Red get some pokéball from his backpack and it was 8 and he chooses 8 pokèmon that wanted to stay in the pokéball for a while. Hydreigon is the one who wanted and the other 7 will be named later.)

Red - "I choose you Greninja!"

Then, a large, bipedal, frog-like Pokèmon. Its body and legs are dark blue, with single large white bubbles on its legs and arms and white spots over its eyes. On the sides of each of its upper thighs is a light blue, four-pointed star, which resembles a shuriken. Its back feet have two toes, while its front feet have three toes appeared in the battlefield after throwing the pokèball and prepared himself to battle.

Referee - "Round 3 begin!"

Harrison - "Use Flamethrower!"

Red - "Intercept it with Water Shuriken!"

Then both attacks clashed with each other making the arena covered with steam. After a few seconds, the steam disappeared and the two pokèmon are staring with each other intensely.

Harrison - "Use Quick Attack!"

Red - "We will use Quick Attack too!"

Both of them glowed white and dashes to each other resulting into another clash but this time Houndoom receives damage. (Houndoom's hp 99%)

Harrison - "Use Leer!"

Red - "Don't look straight from his eyes Greninja!"

Houndoom glares at the opponent menacingly and its eyes glow red. While Greninja look away signifying that Leer didn't have any effect.

'Bad move' Harrison thought. "Use Quick Attack again!"

Houndoom the glowed white and dashes to Greninja.

Red - "Use Water Shuriken!"

Greninja launched multiple shurikens which Houndoom dodged them all easily and made an imapct to Greninja dealing decent damage. (Greninja's hp 98%)

Red was surprised and said to him.

Red - "Wow, looks like your the only trainer here in the tournament dealed any damage to my pokémon. I'm impressed."

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