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*the next day*
At school
Taeyang POV
I was from the washroom and went to the lab to meet Hwiyoung.It takes 10 minutes to get there because the lab is downstairs.Then,I saw Zuho with Mina together.T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R..I ignored them and walked straight to the lab.

Jiyeon POV
I was from the cafe and went to the lab.When I reached at the locker room,I saw Zuho with Mina.Only both of them.I don't know why,but I feel annoyed looking at them.Then,I walked to the lab to meet Jaeeun and Hwiyoung.

At the lab
Hwiyoung POV
I was arranged the literature homework and math homework with Jaeeun.Then,the lab door opened and there is Taeyang.After Taeyang walked in,Jiyeon popped up infront the door.
"hey guys!How is your work together?"Taeyang asked us.
"Great work bro,"I said.

Then,Jiyeon walked to us and sit beside Jaeeun.
"hey,uhmm,guys,shall we go now"Jiyeon said.
"where?"Jaeeun asked.
"yup,where?"I asked her.
"to the dance room"Jiyeon answered.
"wait,what we going to do there?"Jaeeun asked her.
"dance"Jiyeon replied.
"is it dance---"I want to asked again but Taeyang interrupted me.
"Now is dance class guys,don't forget your class timetable"Taeyang said and stand up waiting for us.
"okay,okay,let's go now"I said and walked to the lab door with Jaeeun and Taeyang with Jiyeon.
"wait,Hwiyoung-ah,we need to put this homework at class"Jaeeun said.
"ooh,I forgot,let's go"I said and walked out from the lab.

Taeyang POV
Hwiyoung and Jaeeun was inside the classroom to put and arranged the homework.Me and Jiyeon was outside the classroom together.T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R..Its very akward because we didn't talk like usual.Then,Hwiyoung and Jaeeun walked out from the classroom.
"lets go guys"Hwiyoung said and walked with Jaeeun and left me and Jiyeon together.
"lets go"I said to Jiyeon.
She looked at me and smile and we walked together.

At dance room
Jiyeon POV
I'm sitting beside Taeyang while Jaeeun and Hwiyoung.Always together.Then,the choreographer teacher come in.Everyone sit down at their place.
"okay everyone,today I want all of you to find your partner for today class.."The teacher said.
Then,everyone sit with their partner.Well,me and Taeyang again.
"okay,seems like you are now sitting with your partner.Now,get into 4 people in 1 group"The teacher said again.

Well again,our group is Me,Taeyang,Hwiyoung and Jaeeun.Then,the teacher start to gave out the song.To be grateful,we got Hola Hola by K.A.R.D.Well,I know the choreo,so I just teach them a bit.
"okay,so,Jiyeonieee,please teach us.."Jaeeun begged me.
"okay,okay,but I teach this boy first alright"I said and pointed at Taeyang.
"okay okay,but don't forget to teach us"Hwiyoung said and pull Jaeeun to sit behind us.

I teach Taeyang every move and I'm grateful that he got the move so fast and easy.After that,I teach Hwiyoung and last,I teach Jaeeun.Then,we start to do the practice.
"okay,everyone,next week I want you to perform alright.Thank You and class finish"The teacher said and walked out from the dance room.
"Thank you Jiyeon"Hwiyoung said.
"Thank you babe"Jaeeun said.
"Thank You"Taeyang said.

Then,we walked out from the dance room and went to our class.Its math class.

At class
Jiyeon POV
20 minutes had passed and Miss Hana still not coming.Everyone is so noisy.Especially the girl student.Suddenly,Jaeeun stand up and walked to Hwiyoung table.

Then,Hwiyoung stand up and walked infront the class with Jaeeun.They take the pile of homework.
"everyone!!!Shut up and sit at your place"Hwiyoung shouted.
Everyone shut their mouth and sit at their own place.
"okay,me and Jaeeun will give out this homework..Miss Hana ask all of you to finish your homework on your 2 weeks of holiday.."Hwiyoung said.

Then,they walked to every each of the table and gave out the homework.All of my classmates let out a loud sigh.

*the bell rang*
Jiyeon POV
I walked to the school gate alone because Jaeeun went to the cafe with Hwiyoung to get some drink.Suddenly,someone tap on my shoulder.
I looked at my back and it's Taeyang.
"oh hey"I said while looking at my phone.
"uhmm,so how about that?"Taeyang asked.
"well,I have the answer right now.."I said while putting my phone inside my bag.
"so,will you date me?"Taeyang asked.
"I will"I said.
"yesss!!!"Taeyang shouted and makes Jaeeun and Hwiyoung who was from the cafe run to us.

"woo woo what's going on here???"Hwiyoung asked us.
"she accept me Hwiyoung!!!!!"Taeyang shouted.
"what?!!! Congratulations bro!"Hwiyoung said.
"Okay guys,I don't understand this"Jaeeun said.
"Taeyang and Jiyeon are now a cute couple Jaeeun.."Hwiyoung said.
"awww really????!!!! Congratulations guyssss"Jaeeun said.

Then,we walked home together.I saw Taeyang happy face when I accept to be his girlfriend.

Taeyang POV
Finally,today is the best day..I win her heart..I love you Jeon Jiyeon..

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