😪What do you want?😪18

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*the next day**after school*
Taeyang POV
I decided to go to the library.It's such a boring day because Hwiyoung absent today.He's probably went to New York for a family work.I walked inside the library.

*at the library*
I was reading my favourite book.Suddenly,someone sit infront me and it's Mina.I'm shooked.What she doing here?She doesn't like to read book or even going to the library but now?Erghh..
"hey,sunshine"Mina said.
"don't call me by that name,call me Taeyang"I said.
"Taeyang-ah,can you help me with my work tomorrow at the cafe?"Mina asked me.
"no"I answered her shortly.
"please,I need to do some revision because we have exam right?"She asked me.
"exam week already passed,you don't make any excuses just because you want to date me back Park Mina..Don't think that I'm stupid"I said to her.

Zuho POV
I was from the lab and went to the library to find some books.Then,I saw Taeyang with a girl.Wait..Isn't that Mina,I mean Park Mina..Ex student of this school..What she's doing here?I saw Mina touch Taeyang hands but Taeyang quickly push Mina hand.Okay,this is the right time for me to get Jiyeon back by snapping their picture.I take out my phone and take their picture.

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