Chapter Eleven | The First Lesson

Start from the beginning

"I am..." began the other Formica, probably creating a name. "Merza? Merza, and I will be teaching all of you the works of the Bastaeolan Technology and the Binary code."

"They really can't have proper names, can they?" March whispered.

"Perhaps they don't want to sound like humans," Shailene replied, thoughtfully.

Out of the blue, a blonde boy asked. "How many children are here apart from us?"

"Nearly fifteen hundred" Merza answered.

"Fifteen hundred?" went a collective whisper over the group.

"Students, sit on the bench," she said. I could not see any bench but soon enough the wall behind me produced a white line of benches without a table. When all sixteen of us sat down, the side walls produced a long table, connecting to the walls, and locking us in.

"Many of you here, or all of you might have wondered why you are here and why you need to learn about us," Mirshi cleared his throat. "All of your questions will be answered during lessons and after I finish telling you, the answer to the most common question here... We Bastiolans live in utopia which means we have no wars. But we still have weapons and we still kill but only when something goes out of hand. But we truly try to avoid that. And a situation as bad as what comes now cannot be taken care of by death, or war. It can only be controlled by strength and number of people."

Merza interrupted, looking a little restless, and Mirshi then let her take over. "So, does anyone here already know why earth is very important?"

Because it's the only planet which holds life, I thought. Oops, textbook knowledge.

"Earth is the only planet with chocolates," whispered Jacob, making me cough my laughter back in while the others shook their head, confirming that they had no idea whatsoever.

The large glass pane behind the teachers that overlooked the beds, suddenly came alive with a moving image of our solar system. It zoomed in on earth. Southeast to North America, a curvy funnel-like something stretched right to the Oort cloud surrounding our solar system, from the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Merza pointed at it, "That is the reason why. It is the only planet that has ever come in the perfect positioning for a wormhole to be formed in it. This wormhole, luckily connected our planet to yours. The bond strengthened over a period of time, abnormal for these, yes we know.

"But... even though it was fortunate for us, the problem came when our bases on earth sensed another wormhole approaching Earth. There will be a time when Earth will re-position yet again, in tune with the motion of Milky Way, and welcome another wormhole while keeping the Bermuda Triangle existent."

"How's that bad?" A dark haired girl asked. Her skin colour was very similar to mine, but the accent wasn't the same. Mexican? Maybe.

"Earth is very small and delicate. It won't be able to withstand another such connection."

Many 'students' got hyper and started asking questions all at the same time which put the buzzing of a thousand bees to shame.

"Silence, I am not finished yet," Merza continued. "When the dimensions strike, Earth is likely to die. Either the tectonic plates will shatter to dust, or the Earth will burst. And if it does, Bastaeola, which is indirectly connected, will encounter great damage which would be enough for our extinction as well.

"The steady and continuous motion of the galaxies only seldom allows dimensions to be set for these wormholes with other galaxies far away to be formed. It's complex science but what you need to understand is that Earth will again welcome the dimensions and it will be disastrous. Sources confirm that it is due in six years."

This is just a dream. It is just a bad, bad dream. It is just a dream, gosh, I can't even find my skin to pinch and check if it's the reality!

"You disclosed the worst news but didn't even say why you needed us. Besides," added the blonde boy, "Is this even true, or a cock and bull story to brainwash us to do slave work for you?" 

This boy might just provoke them, I thought. So foolish. But he had a point. Even dad had said they would, at some point, try to brainwash us.

"How does your source know about something like that?" A freckled boy sitting near the blonde boy, asked. I assumed he wanted to distract Merza.

"We have dealt with the Dark Matter, so obviously our technology will see to those. I do not teach our Technology so be patient for Merza to take over the subject," Mirshi said flatly, making his annoyance obvious. "And you," he pointed at the blonde boy. "Do you think we would waste our time to spend on half-humans to be our slaves? If you have this idea in mind, you are most welcome to be one. Unfortunately you are not qualified enough and won't be even if you studied for those six years.

"And we need you all to be our aid to set multiple bases on earth to block the connection from happening and misguide the wormhole to another dimension. This requires the knowledge of machinery and weapons -- which will be taught by Merza here -- and the wisdom to meddle with the delicate chords of dimensions. Beware you all will be dealing with dimensions, which includes time and gravity. You will require physical as well as great mental and emotional strength to win over this task. And you all will be tested here for your various abilities. Any questions?"

"What if we don't want to do this task?" March spoke up unexpectedly.

"We'll see to that, but why won't you?" Merza asked back.

But before March could answer, another girl asked, "Why do you need us?"

"Because in the recent years, the portal from Bastaeola to Earth seems troubled. Transport in such scenarios is highly dangerous. Otherwise we would have had enough number of expert Resources. However, we have hybrids that have one thing in common, and that is, how much you can learn within a given time. We also see it as the opportunity for you to be responsible towards both your halves."

"But why are we getting to know that we are hybrids, now? Why did our parents transform into full blown humans?"

"They volunteered for an in-depth study of human psychology. Some liked being humans and after submitting their reports, chose to live like one... but we didn't know that almost all the parents would keep shut about their realities, and with this clarification here, our first lesson, concludes."

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