Chapter 1

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"Come on Aphrodite! It is not that hard to choose from 'McDonalds', 'Taco Bell', or 'Subway'!" <Oh! Hey there my name's Coraline Lester, and the one that can't seem to make her mind over what food she wants, is my best friend, Aphrodite Bren. Now before we resume with the argument let's take you back a few days.>

One month ago

<See that's me and Aphrodite on that black stage. We just graduated from Bass, and yes as in the fish, High School! Everything was going great blah blah blah... and then I got fired from my part time job at McDonalds. Ya. umm. Let's all just say that some chicken nuggets were severly burnt... Moving on.>

Few weeks later

<Since me and Aphrodite didn't want to live with our parents anymore we decided to look for places to stay. But. Because I didn't have a job we didn't have enough money. Considering we live in San Diego, California it is not cheap. But after a little while my cousin, Josey Lester, who is only 3 years older then me, called me. I told her about what's going on in life with me, then she told me we could go live with her out in LA, California in her shared house. Of course we agreed. So we packed up all our belongings and hit the road... Obviously not literally but you should know what I mean.>

<And that brings me back to the present where we are taking a break for lunch. Anyways later! Resume.>

"It really is that hard! It's all food you can't make me choose!" Aphrodite proclaims. "Fine then I'll choose... we are going to McDonalds." I say "But I don't feel like McDonalds..."

"But you just said... You know what fine then we'll get Taco Bell." I say slightly annoyed.

"But I don't feel like Mexican foo-" She starts but I interup her

"Make up your mind! I swear! You said that you didn't care which one that we went to. Then you don't won't McDonalds. Next you don't want Taco Bell!...." I take a breath "So we are going to go to Subway and you have no say... Okay? Okay."

"I'm good with that!" She smiles and goes back on her phone to change the song. "Why wouldn't you have just said that in the first place?!...: I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" Aphrodite asks not taking her eyes off her phone.



As I was driving I was tapping my index finger on the staringwheele humming along to the beat of the song, everyonce and a while, singing a few words. I went to take a turn but then a car decides that it's going to zoom really fast in front of me. In a reaction I slam the breaks make Aphrodite's phone fall, and giving her a panic attack about the fact that we almost died. <A bit of an exaggeration but STILL we could've gotten in a car accident!>

"Are you kiding me right now?! Where are peoples common sence?!?!" I road rage.

We got to Subway <Finally! I'm hungry.> and went inside for our food. Then got back in the car. "Hey Core? What are we gonna do for money?" Aphrodite asks taking a bite of her sandwich. <I hate that nickname.> "Hmm. Never really thought that. I'm not quite sure to be honest. And I told you to stop calling me that."

"We could work at Wal-mart." Aphrodite says shrugging off the fact that I don't like that nickname.

"Is there even one near Josey's place?"

"I hear there's a dance studio near Josey's we could see if we could be dance teachers."

"I can't teach dance..."

"Office work."

"To time consuming and I don't want to sit around doing paper work."

"Shop cashier?"

"Doesn't pay enough."

"Food truck?"

"Where are we getting a food truck?"


I turn my head and look at her with a raised eyebrow and give her 'seriously? Are you stupid?' look. "Sorry... What if we started a YouTube channel?" She asks wairly.

"That's accually not a bad idea... but what type of YouTube channel would we have?"

"Well... I don't exactly know."

"Okay well... let's think for now and keep that as an idea."

"Okay." She agrees nodding her head.


"How long has it been since we left?" Aphrodite whines.

I roll my eyes at her childless. "It's been a hour and twenty-four minutes." I say taking a sip of my Root beer and Sprite. <What? I like to mix my sodas.>

"Ugh! This is going to take forever!" She says sinking into the seat.

"Calm down. The whole drive is only going to take two hours and fourty-five minutes." I say, I mean it could be a lot worse. "How 'bout you just try and sleep?" I suggest to her not wanting to hear her whinning.

"I suppose." She says laying her head back and closing her eyes.


We finally get Josey's shared house and it was pretty big. It is a two story with lots of windows. The front yard isn't as big but from what I can see the back yard is a good size and has a pool. The exterior is white with light gray high lights here and there.

"Wake up Aphrodite!" I say shaking her. "Aphrodite wake up!" But she wouldn't budge. <Dang she's a deep sleeper.> "Aphrodite!!! WAKE UP!" I yell and shake her rapidly, when I get a hand to my face.

"What!?" Aphrodite asks annoyed, angry, and sleepily. "What was so important that you HAD to WAKE ME UP!"

"We're at Josey's place..." I say rubbing my face where she hit.

"Oh! Okay!" She says all jumpy and happy. <Talk about a total mood change.>

"Note to self... never wake up Aphrodite." I Note to myself.

We walk up to the big, red wood door. Aphrodite rang the door bell with her free hand while her other is holding two of her bags. After a bit the door swong open and there stood Josey.

"Hey cuz!" I say giving her a big smile. I haven't seen her in forever!

"Hey you guys made it. Ethan! Justin! Come down here!" Josey says. Once she says that we hear foot steps coming down the stairs and see two, not bad looking, boys that I'm figure are Ethan and Justin. "Can you guys help them bring the bags." She asked even though it sounded more like a statement.

"Ya, sure." Says either Ethan or Justin. The one with white hair takes Aphrodite's bags and follows him up stairs.

"So are you Ethan or Justin?" I ask looking the one who grabbed two of my bags because I took more bags with me then Aphrodite.

"I'm Ethan." Ethan says as he shoots me a flashy smile.

"I'm Coraline, Josey's cousin." I introduce myself.

"Ah so you're the famous cousin we've all been hearing about." He says with a wink. Before starting to walk up the stairs.

"Guess that would be me." I shoot a small smile back.

We continue to walk up the stairs untill we get to a hall way with about four doors. Ethan takes me to the farthest away on the left.

"Here you go." He says opening the door.

"Thank you." I nod at him thanking him and walk in and put down my bags. After he put down my bags and left the room I looked around.

My room persists of white walls. The queen size bed is in the back right corner, the bed sheets are a light green and the pillows a dark gray. There's a desk next to the door on the right. It's a simple light gray color with two small drawers one on the left, the other one the right side.

I start unpacking my art supplies and set them up on the desk. I looked around my room after unpacking my art supplies realizing that I don't have a closet or drawers for clothes. <Like seriously?! Love ya too cus...>

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