chapter one

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I quickly ran to the tree, found the special hidden button, then after I had pushed it, I crept inside the tree then went down the long, narrow stairs and into my secret hideout. The rest of my team was there doing the jobs that they were specially trained to do. There was seven people on my team including me.

The first person on my team was Donny. He was twenty-five and his job was to watch every single alien movie ever created and to try to find something to help us in our mission to get rid of the aliens.
Then there was Veredie. She was in charge of searching the web for anything that would help us. Veredie was also my best friend and was twenty-two, the same age as me.
Darcy, who's job was to read books to find any useful information, was twenty-four.
Mike was my twenty-eight year old weapons genius. He was trying to create a weapon which would kill the aliens.
Then there was Zach who was twenty-seven and was trying to create or find some sort of mixture that would either kill the aliens, or make them go away.
Safina was twenty-three and is my personal assistant who does any extra work that needs to be done and helps me do my work. And last but not least is me.
I am in charge of going outside the tree and trying to discover whatever I can.

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