Chapter 20: Luke's Dessert

Start from the beginning

I walked over to the doors and stood in front of them, in my black button down cap sleeved top and light pink pencil skirt, watching Luke. I'd just come from a meeting with Sean and Owen about the rest of the guys and how I had forgiven them all, I just hadn't told them all. I wanted to have that conversation with them each personally. I was determined that Luke would be the first one I spoke to. Then it would just be Victor and Kota. Luke paused, thinking I was taking pity on him and going to let him in. Instead, I engaged the deadbolt. He frowned in confusion and I smiled back mischievously. Slowly, I unbuttoned my shirt, from the bottom up. His eyes were saucers at first and then he doubled his efforts to break in. I laughed lightly as I turned my back to him and slipped the shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. I turned my head and caught his eye, winking playfully. He winked back and then the dead bolt disengaged. Still watching him over my shoulder, I reached for the zipper on the side of my skirt. I watched him pause and take in the slow decent of my hand as I loosened the skirt. His throat bobbed as he gulped hard, his face pressed against the glass, with an almost pained expression. I slide the skirt down my legs and stepped out of it. I was feeling brave on this side of the glass from him. I turned to him, in only my matching black silk and lace lingerie and leaned back against my small dinning room table. I reached up and loosened my hair from the bun I had pulled it back into for the meeting and felt it fall freely around my shoulders. I heard the click of the door lock disengage and before I could even blink, Luke was pressed up against me, his lips on mine and his warm hands on my bare skin.

His hands moved slowly up my body as his tongue invaded my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He wasted no time in walking us both down the short hallway into my bedroom where he shut the door behind us before collapsing us both down onto the bed.

(Sexy times warning)


"I hope to gawd you know what you're doing cupcake. This is a dangerous game we're playing. If anyone finds out, it's all our heads. But, I can't stay away from you." His lips left mine and traveled slowly down my neck, leaving fire in its wake. My skin burned from his touch. His mouth moved down my body, capturing my nipple between his teeth, giving it a gentle bite. I moaned out his name as my hands freed his hair from the ponytail and gripped his hair tight. This was what I've been wanting for days now.

"No one's going to get into trouble, Luke. Sean and Owen know. I told them this was probably going to happen," I tried to reassure him. He still paused and looked at me, his brown eyes filled with tenderness.

"Does this mean you've forgiven me?" He pulled my bra down and flung it to the floor. I didn't even feel him work the clasp.

"Yes," I breathed out, but I'm not sure if it's in response to his question or the way he kisses down my body. I feel him smile against my stomach. His tongue traces an intricate pattern across my lower abdomen which causes me to moan again.

"Is this how you've forgiven everyone else?" He smirked as if he knew the answer, but he'd be wrong.

"No, it has only been Owen and Sean since I found out about the covert ops." I confessed to him. He paused again halfway down my legs with my underwear at mid calf. I think I heard him growl before he ripped them off completely and then found my mouth with his again. The kiss was tender at first, but he moved us so he could deepen the kiss, his tongue sliding against mine in slow, sure strokes. I felt his body pressed tight against mine, rubbing against me in agonizing torture.

"I want to go crazy in you, and I want to be gentle at the same time to show you how grateful I am for this. For your forgiveness. Maybe I'm not as honorable as Nate for not staying celibate until I feel you've deemed me worthy. But," he said between playful kisses back down my body, "You are my favorite dessert and I have no ability to say no to sweets." With that, I felt his mouth on my sex, his tongue lapping at me as if he was eating an ice cream cone. It made my toes curl.

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