Your first date

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This was suggested by gray_sweatpants
Thanks for the suggestion!

(Your in high school again)
Zane was really nervous on your first date considering that a pretty girl like you asked him out! You decided to got to the movies and he let you pick. To his delight and surprised you picked the new my little horsey movie and got 2 large popcorns, cause food is life and you don't share it. Zane tried so hard not to react to what was happening on the screen, but he couldn't help it! He laughed and even cried a little and all you could do was try so hard not to laugh! After the movie, he played it off and asked why you picked such a girly and dumb movie, but when you too reached you house you called him a broney, gave him a kiss on the cheek and went inside. All and all, you gave Zane a golden pinkie cake the next day and asked him on another date to the movies.


Garroth had finally gotten the courage to call you 3 weeks after you gave him your number at the café. You two planned to go for pizza and that's it, but after you guys went back to your place and talked. He already loved you as soon as you order pizza with extra cheese and said you thought feathers were funny and cool. When you guys came back to your place, you purposely put on a scary movie to cuddle up with him, but Garroth day there froze and horrified at the screen. When he left, you gave him a hug and planed to have another date. Being as nervous and scared from the movie as he was, Garroth said ok and gave you a kiss. Garroth apologized and ran from your house like he was on fire. What a perfect first kiss between to people you thought.


Aaron had to ask Aphmau where your house was because you weren't calling or texting him after the whole underwear incident. When you opened the door, Aaron was in a gray shirt and his red jacket with a bunch of flowers. You accepted his date invite and you two went to Olive Garden and then went to a hockey game! Granted, your not "in love" with sports, but it was super fun seeing how Aaron was having fun! You were "super cold" after the game, forcing Aaron to give you his jacket. After the night, he walked you home and told you to keep the jacket and he went to walk away, but you stopped him and gave him your number. He's gonna need his Jacket back.


After coffee, Ein and you didn't know what to do on your first date, so you just went to the park. You and Ein decided to have a picnic and watch as the sun sets over the lake. It's was perfect until it got more perfect! Tennis's ball. Ein saw it a ran after it as fast as lightning, catching it and returning it to the owners. You laughed so hard because this was your first time going on a date with a werewolf and you made a mental note to buy a lot of tennis balls. Ein and you ended the night with Ice Cream and him walking you home. You gave him your number and ran inside your house, staring at your phone waiting till it said he texted you.


Laurence and you go for pizza and the arcade for your first date! Laurence said he'd go easy on you in Call of duty, but he didn't know what was happening until you kicked his butt! You guys played some other games and he won you a stuffed teddy bear at the claw machine. When you guys got to the pizza place, Travis, Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan were their so you all order and talked the night away! Laurence and you went back to your place and had some tiramisu and Hot chocolate and talked for a while. As the night ended, Laurence and you fell asleep on your couch and spent the next day with Aphmau and Aaron.


(Your in College)
Dante and you didn't know what to do for your first date, so you go to the cafe on campus! You had him order for you, but he accidentally got you a cheese danish instead of a cherry danish. You laugh and eat it anyway, but you push Dante into the fountain when you were walking back to your dorm hall. You give him your hand to help him out, but he pulls you right in! You splash around and knock each other around until you get so tired you get out a sit on a bench. Dante and you sit on the bench until you fall asleep on his shoulder. When you wake up, you give him your number and run back up to your room, and Aphmau stares at you at why your smoking wet at 3am.


After you got home from Dante's, there was a knock on your door. Travis was there and asked if you wanted to hang. Because of the rain, for your first date you watched movies all day and ordered Tacos and ice cream. Travis being the Casanova he is, he kept yawning and putting his arm around you, but you didn't mind, you thought it was cute! When the 5th movie finished, Travis had fallen asleep. You leaned on him and cuddled up under the blanket on the couch. Around 2am, you both woke up and Travis went home, leaving you his number and a kiss on the cheek. Casanova you thought.

And that's it😂
Again, there will only one upload today cause I've been super swamped with school and applying to high schools😭
Comment any ideas you guys have and with that, have a great day!

Love Kitty💜

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