Let's Play by getlost548

Start from the beginning

"Got yah!" whispered Charlie.

She screamed, and felt her consciousness fade. She fluttered her eyes open to a blinding light. She moaned and covered her eyes with her left arm. Instantly, she felt a sharp pang in her thighs and looked down to reveal that her jeans had turned a dark scarlet colour. And in the middle of the gruesome stain, was a cut. I shan't go any further since I think you got my point.

"You're finally awake. Let's play again!" she heard the cold voice yell sweetly; it made her sick.

"Your turn!"

"Okay," she replied, her eyes stung, and her throat felt parched. She solemnly started, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! Ready or not here I come!" She silently slipped out of bed and took a look around, the curtain moved, and she turned. Nothing. Then a thought occurred to her. She remembered the times she played with Peter; they had five minutes to find each other. She looked at the antique watch in front of her. Two minutes. Two minutes to find him before it was too late.

"Hehe." Her heart started to race. Where did that laugh come from? The air felt tense as she helplessly turned and turned, searching for a face. Searching for a way out.She felt a heavy weight fall on her back as the air in her lungs was pushed out.

"This is fun!"

"NOOOO," she shrieked, feeling something slash through her shoulder. She screamed. She screamed and screamed at the top of her lungs, while Charlie was smiling. Suddenly, her body was filled with rage, her eyes turned on fire, and the pain subsided. She pushed the boy off her back and turned around. He was still smirking, knife in one hand and the other clenched into a tight fist.

"Well, you've turned feisty. Too bad though. Cause your brother's soul is slowly fading. Hahahaha!!" he laughed at her face.

Suddenly, something hit her on the side of her head. She got it, she ran to the back garden, slamming the door behind her.

"Trying to run away no way? Don't be afraid; I'll only give you a couple of more slashes with my knife to satisfy you. Hahaha!"

She took no notice and ran through the thorn bushes. To the grave; it was still there, but un-dug. There laid a skeleton, as small as Peter. It had an axe through its head. Beside it lay a book. She picked it up.

"Maybe it'll go if I give it this..." she took no time to think about it and ran out of the thorns.

"Well, it took you long enough to get out of those thorns. Now come here so I can take a good slice!" He said, licking his knife.

Her eyes shot out a glare, and shouted, "take this and leave us alone!" She threw the book, and it skidded across the lawn.

"No, no! Get that away from me. Not my god-damn diary!"

She ran and picked it up, and started to read random pages,

"Mommy hates daddy. But daddy isn't letting her go. He locked me in a cellar today for hugging mommy. I wanted to play hide and seek with Ben, but he took an axe and stabbed me in the head . . ."

She stopped as she inspected the page. It had drops of scarlet painted on it and the pages old and dirty. She looked up from the book to see Peter's red eyes gone, replaced with his brown.

"St..sta..Stacy. Wh..what...jus...st...happ..ened?" he stuttered, his whole body shaking. Stacy ran up to her brother and cried on his shoulder.

"What happened to your shoulder?" The pain suddenly rushed back to her, and she fell limply into her brother's arms.

"Stacy," she faintly heard someone calling her name. "Stacy, are you awake?"

"Ugh," she groaned opening her eyes. Her eyes fell on her brother, pale and tired.

"Stacy! Stacy! Stacy! You're alive!" Peter screamed joyfully, throwing himself on top of his sister.

"Why wouldn't I be. I ain't letting some ghost kill us. Or kid for that matter." She said strongly, slowly sitting herself upright. She looked around, getting used to her surroundings. White walls. White bed. She felt like she was in a mental asylum. She looked over to her shoulder and saw a white bandage plastered over it. She shuddered at the memory, wanting to forget.

"Guess what, Stacy?"

"What?" she smiled weakly, happiness flowing through her.

"Abigail had dug up that grave in the garden!"

"Really?" she inquired, thinking about the un-dug grave. In fact, she wondered why she didn't care in the first place. But then again, she was about to get murdered. She shouldn't sweat the small stuff.

"Yah! Also, I made a new friend!"

"What's his name?" She asked happily, feeling more relaxed by the second.


"No," she whispered, terror striking her body.

"Let's play!"


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