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Tyler almost got ran over by Josh, who frantically beeped the horn whilst pointing to Green One, who was charging towards them whilst making the same noise we all made when we got the notification for Mad Hatter only the gross sobbing was excluded.

That was some ungodly noise.

All Star played from nowhere as Tyler  jumped into the car and they drove away at full speed. Meanwhile, Mira aggressively pounded at Blue One with the rounders back whilst Brendon stared at her like she was stupid sHE'S NOT STUPID.

Blue One stood there, unfazed by Mira's attempts.

Carla was very shooketh.

She literally had no idea what was going on, but this was literally happening. She still had no idea how this was real, but it was real and kinda fabulous. She had gotten a lecture and was currently going through the method of initiation to see if she was good enough to fight alongside Melanie Martinez and Get-Fucking-Scared.

She was inwardly crying.


What? I never said these would be long chapters I have no creativity for this book but it will continue.

Someone's probably gonna die, it wouldn't be a GardenOfNightmares fanfiction if someone didn't die.

I promise it won't be Melanie because she's currently my favourite character.

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