Part One: The Party and the Kiss

Start from the beginning

The best parties have always been at Travis's house when his parents are away. He's left with a huge empty house a mile out of town in the country with plenty of room to throw a party without someone calling in and reporting the music is too loud. Travis is left with enough cash to spend on beer or anything else for the party. There is also a pool to swim in, in the back yard. Unlike most cliché parties thrown in high school by some popular, good looking, stuck up higher grade that only invites certain kids Travis is actually the opposite.

Travis is I think the only sophomore I know that is more talked about than any of the seniors at our school. At our school he's legendary for having the best parties but he doesn't let the popularity get to his head. Travis is one of the nicest guys I know that is friends with everyone at our school. No one has a problem with him because there isn't anything bad about him. He isn't a show off rubbing it in everyone's faces that his parents have money but instead sharing it. He lets about anyone go to his parties as long as they promise not to cause any problems or trash the house intentionally. That being said I'm pretty good friends with Travis and have been since sixth grade. We've always got along and I have went over to his house a number of times over the years but never to any of the parties he started having in high school.

I never once went to his house when people from our high school were there. It wasn't because I couldn't go but more of me just not wanting to go. I've never seen the point in going to a party and hanging around people I hardly know but that changes today. Instead of staying home like I always do and hearing about it on Monday morning I'm actually going to go. I have nothing else to do and it's about time I at least get my first kiss if nothing else so I can finally get that crossed off my list. It's pretty sad to be fifteen without having much contact with a girl while most of my other friends have gone far more than just kissing a girl.

"Are you ready to have fun?" my friend asks as he parks the car and we get out walking over to the white two story house that sits way out in the middle of nowhere with endless fields that have already been harvested.

"Yeah," I reply knowing it's now or never to relax and enjoy myself.

"I don't know what you're so worried about Razor. It isn't like we don't know most of the people here. What are you so scared about?" Lukas says.

What am I scared about? I don't know maybe just the feeling I have deep down knowing that something bad is probably going to happen. Yeah I know I'm thinking too much like I always do I just need to calm down and relax before I freak out and have a aniexity attack over nothing. "Hello Razor are you there?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking about things." I reply being vague when I should know Lukas is just going to question me even more.

"Oh yeah and what things are you thinking about?" he asks just like I thought.

"That I should of stayed home because I don't do well in crowds of people." I answer which is true but not what I was really thinking.

"I wasn't born yesterday I know you weren't thinking about that." he remarks

"Hey look we're at the front door I guess we better go in now." I say reaching for the door knob and turning it before walking in. Lukas doesn't say anything but only giving me a devilish grin.

As we walk inside entering Travis's house the music is blaring from the speakers and I can barely hear my own thoughts. People I've seen before at high school are here just like Lukas said. I don't have anything to fear I don't know why I never wanted to come to any of his parties before. Everyone looks to be having a good time and I know I'm enjoying myself already watching a freshman from school dance on the coffee table in the living room practically stripping in front of everyone.

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