I look down to see that the cute girl is looking up at me. Her nose is so cute. She has not one dot of acme, and her eyes are so pretty. She has plump lips as well, making her perfect to me. I love big lips. I cant really tell her body shape in the clothes shes wearing right now, but I don't think that would matter to me.

Considering the fact that when our eyes meet again my heart stops pumping, then starts again faster than ever.

"Hey." I say. She takes a moment to take me in, and then smiles. Holy fuck. I think my heart just sped up more. I find it hard not to gasp. What is this feeling? Is this the welcoming of love? If it is, I'd be fine with that. With this girl as my girlfriend, I would love it. Considering how she is already causing this effect on me without even speaking her name. 

"Hi." Oh and there it is. Her voice is so smooth, like paper. I swallow the lump in my throat and introduce myself. 

"Im Cruz. Noah and Kay's friend." Her eyes twinkle with recognition and I raise my eyebrows at her face. She glances up and Noah and Kay who found their way in front of us and are hugging each other while they walk.

"Oh. Kay has mentioned you. Im Bliss Downey."

Bliss. Jesus, her name fits her perfectly. 

"Nice to meet you Bliss."

"You too, Cruz."  I can see her looking to Kay, then up at me with nervousness. Does she not want me here? Thinking that causes me to want to whimper and go sulk. I want to talk to her, I want her to like me. 

I never had a crush before, but...Im pretty sure I have one now. When Noah started feeling for Kay, he always spoke about her and told me his heart never stopped pumping when around her. Im feeling like that right now. 

And I like it. 

This is what I wanted. I wanted a relationship with someone beautiful and sweet, and Bliss is both of those things. I lick my lips as I think about that and almost ask her right there and then if she wants to be my girlfriend. 


I don't even know for sure if this is a crush. What if it's a reaction to my very boring sex life right now and I just want to get her in bed? No. It cant be. I don't recognize this feeling. The war raging on inside my head is interrupted when Bliss speaks again.

"Sorry. Im an introvert. I don't speak much. So if you want to start a conversation with me, you have to start it."

I look at her in shock and kind of like the fact that shes honest and is willing to go outside of her limits to speak with me. She looks a little embarrassed, and I'm sure it's because Im staring at her, hard.

"Um okay. But Im pretty sure you just started a conversation." 

When I say that, she looks up with shock,  then a huge smile wraps around her face.

"Your right." She grins at me then thinks for a second. "Hmm, now I want to start it. Let me think of something."

I laugh at her because she is so cute and she looks up with blush in her cheeks. I smile at her as I laugh and shake my head.

"I like you." Her eyes widen when I say that. I don't let my eyes widen with the truth of what I just said. I do notice Kay and Noah glancing at us with smirks, though. Then look at each other and nod. 


"I like you too. I mean, I see nothing wrong with you."

I laugh again.

"Trust me, angel. I have a couple things wrong with me that you will never see." When I say angel her face changes to shock, then confusion, then relief. I think the last one is correct. But oh wait, shes happy now. It seems like I brought color to her face because she glows in front of me. When I hear commotion behind us, I look back to see bloody man walking toward us with his jaw tight. Oh shit.

Before I can register what is happening though, before the man reaches us, Bliss reaches out, swipes her leg and holds the man's ear while he crashes to the ground. His head his held up by Bliss's hold on his ear. 

"What's your problem man?" Bliss leans down next to the man, while I sit there staring in shock. Is it possible to be in love right now? Can I just kiss Bliss right now and marry her? Oh man. Im in deep already, and she doesn't even know my last name. 

"Im mad."

"Oh. Well Im mad that you're mad and that cant work so please, turn around and go away." The man casts Bliss a mean look, but she doesn't seem to care. I think her introvert side subsided and is replaced with this. She pulls her hand away from the man and wipes her fingers on a clean patch of his shirt since there's some dried blood on it. She winces as she wipes it off and looks up at me.

Realizing I saw what she did, she winces again and sadness seems to cover her eyes. I want to reach in and comfort her while huggging her to me and whispering to her, but I dont. I still stand there shocked as she helps the guy up and asses his injuries before nodding him toward the main campus building. He nods at her and then slowly walks toward the building like a sad puppy.

"What. Was. That." Bliss and I both look to see Kay and Noah standing there, shocked as I am. Then Noah leans over and whispers loud enough to everyone to hear.

"She's a keeper." 


He Thinks Im Jealous I Book 2 (shorter)Where stories live. Discover now