Lego Ninjago Movie Ninja x Reader (Hate or Love?)

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    The movie came to a close, and I sat there, bewildered. The movie mind couldn't comprehend what I had just watched. Was it a good movie, or a bad movie?  I mean, as a Lego Movie, sure, but as a standalone NINJAGO movie?

      I sank back into the seat, snaking a hand over to my forehead. A frown spread across my face, I kinda wished I knew how I felt about this movie. Slowly, I got out of my seat, and made my way over to the exit. Everyone must have already left, cause I was pretty much alone. 

        I let out a small sigh, and rubbed my eyes a bit. I felt like I had been drained of my energy. As I was about to exit, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, only to gasp. 

"Sensei Garmadon?"

         Garmadon looked at me confused, furrowing his eyebrows. "Sensei?" He asked in disgust, shaking his head. "I don't think so, try again." He said, holding a claw hand up to where his ear would be. "What's my name?" I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "Lord Garmadon..." 

          He looked at me, smiling. I crossed my arms. "So...why are you wasting my time?" I asked, and he frowned slightly. "Wow...I uh, thought a Ninjago fan would be happy to see the greatest villain in all of Ninjago..." I laughed dryly. "Yeah sure, the greatest villain who didn't even know the green Ninja was his own son."

           "Hey!" I turned back towards the exit, fixing to leave. "Hold on!" Garmadon said, grabbing my arm. I turned my head and glared at him. "Why won't you just let me leave already?!" I said, becoming angry. Garmadon, surprisingly, flinched and let go of my arm. "..." He was silent. 

             I glared at him again. "What is it?" He looked to the side. "Well, I was planning on redeeming to the Ninja by bringing them their biggest fan in the universe..." He looked at me. "And so far, you are their biggest fan." I scoffed at him. "Their biggest fan?!" Garmadon flinched again, then again, I would have too, I get pretty scary when I'm angry.

            "Yeah I'm a fan alright, a fan of the ORIGINAL show!! I'd rather be possessed by Morro than be with those childhood ruiners!" I finally turned around and grabbed the door handle. "Forget it, I'm leaving!" Suddenly I was knocked out. 



"Brother! Why would you bring a girl from the real world here?!" 

"And you also knocked her out too."

"She's beautiful!"

     My eyes snapped open, and everybody screamed. "Oh, so she wasn't dead!" The new Jay said, and I frowned. "Great..." I mumbled, looking at everyone. I didn't know how to feel about this. It was a dream come true...for anyone who hadn't watched the original series... Zane smiled at me.

      "Hello fellow normal human teenager!" He said, reminding me of Zim. "I am also a human teenager! Care to dab with me?" I gagged. "Zane...why are you so different than the original?" He frowned slightly, and my heart sank. "I mean, why can't you just accept your self for who you are?" 

       He looked back at me, confusion written on his face. "You don't have to pretend you're not a robot." His face flushed. "U-Uh, but I-I am not a-a-" I smiled at him awkwardly. "Zane, you don't have to act like everyon-" he suddenly hugged me. My face flushed slightly, I didn't really like physical contact too much.

       Kai looked like he was gonna explode from holding in a laugh for too long. "Kai, your hair looks like anime hair!" I said, and he stopped. "What?" He looked at me in disbelief, before I somehow pulled out my phone (despite being in a death hug provided by Zane) and showed him a comparison picture of him and his original character.

         "Whoa...yeah my hair was way calmer back then." He said, touching the top of his hair. Lloyd looked at me, and smiled. "Hey, you're actually smiling!" He said, looking at his dad. "And what was this about her being a 'Mrs Grumpy plant's dad?" I looked over at Garmadon, and scowled. 

"Oh yeah, I remember that I'm actually really ANGRY right now!!" 

          Lloyd rose an eyebrow. " I see it..." He mumbled, as Zane let go of me. "Honestly, I just wanted to go home!" I said, and Cole walked over to me. He smiled slightly, and ruffled my hair, causing me to blush slightly. "Well..." Lloyd said. "I'm not sure if we can get you home right away, but..."

           He smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat. "You are more than welcome to stay with us on the bounty for a while." Kai smiled. "Yeah! Especially since you are one of the original fans!" I quirked an eyebrow. "Thanks but..." I looked at all of them.

"You do realize that I basically insulted all of you...right?"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------(A/n): So...guess who saw the Ninjago Movie...I might make a part two of this...but I don't know. So...the movie was good for a Lego movie, just not as a Ninjago adaptation...and the new Zane...oh boy...he's really trying to sell the fact that he's a normal human being, which reminded me of Zim from invader Zim. And they kept making all the references to the original show, but what's the point if they aren't going to be anything like the original ninja? Also spoilers, but...THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO SPINJITZU!!! LAST TIME I CHECKED, IT WAS "NINJAGO, MASTERS OF SPINJITZU!!!" NOT "MASTERS OF REFERENCING THE MATERIAL IT STARTED OUT FROM!!!" Sorry...I'm just a little bit angry...

Kai: You think?

Cole: Geez woman, I thought you were having a heart attack. 

Zane: It was pretty irrational to burst out like that. 

Me: Sorry...anyways, do you think I should to a special chapter where the Ninja react to the movie?





Zane: Um...I don't think that would be a good idea...

Me: Well, I guess I'll see you in the next chapter...

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