The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.4

Start from the beginning

"Our original did a great job."

"In slicing off your knob."

"To make you a female that's fake."

"And Kade, a male who will never make.

"A baby with his woman."

"Like every real man will, and can."

Kade and I are mostly inured to it, it's part of our world. Which leads me back into the real world, your world; and an unpleasant incident that Kade and I recently witnessed, which I'd like to relay to you.


It was early evening, and Kade and I had finished work at the same time, so we decided to meet for a burger before returning to the facility.

We had literally sat down with our food, when we became aware of a raised, male voice, "Where do you think you're going, that's the Ladies Room," he snarled.

It was the venom in his voice that made us both instinctively turn and look. A guy had hold of a tall young girl by the arm, forcefully restraining her movement, "Prove to me you're a girl before you go in there, cos I think you're one of those pervy fags that fake at being girls to get into their bathrooms," he shouted.

Kade instinctively shot up from his seat; his sudden movement catching the guy's attention, "You got something to say bout this fag faking female?" He asked, with a baiting tone.

Kade remained calm, "Leave the lady alone, and let her use the bathroom," he said.

At this, the guy let go of the girl, who quickly fled the diner in great distress. He sauntered towards us, with a swagger and angry attitude.

I checked him over – he was big, with a muscly bulk; in contrast to Kade's slim, muscly athleticism.

He stopped within a nose length of Kade, "You wanna step outside and sort this out, like real men?" He asked; under his breath.

Kade winced at the smell of alcohol from his breath, "You really need to chill," he said.

The guy smirked, "No, I need to kill, fags!"

He looked down at me, "You got yourself a hot piece of pie there," he said, winking at me and licking his lips; taunting Kade.

The guy looked back at Kade, and nodded his head, "You ain't no fag, but you're one of those fag lovers, a fag supporter; you like these chicks with dicks who wanna get into the ladies restrooms, too – do ya – huh?" Kade leant his head back to avoid the liquor-laden spittle spouting from his mouth.

I saw Kade slip his hand into his pocket, "You've drank a little too much buddy, you need to sleep it off," he said.

The guy looked at me again, "I need to sleep with your girl, how much is she?"

With a swift, deft movement, Kade's hand shot from his pocket and he slammed one of our new injectable disabling devices into the guy's inner thigh, "Like I said, you need to sleep off your sick attitude," he said, calmly slipping the device back into his pocket.

Almost immediately we saw the powerful effects of the sedative in the guy's glazing eyes, and the wobble in his legs. Kade grabbed him before his fall and seated him at our table.

Whilst the guy was still conscious, Kade removed the bun from his uneaten burger, "Here you go buddy, have my burger," he said, grabbing the guy's head and pushing it down into the food, causing a squirting squelching sound.

Kade squeezed a liberal amount of ketchup onto the guy's hair, followed by the whole squeezy tube of mayo, then he put the bun on top of the guy's head, flattening it down. He looked at me, "Hey Tan, I just created a new burger – The Bigot Burger," he said, with his huge, cheeky smile and chuckle.


We both fled the diner, chuckling.

But once on the train back to our facility, the brevity of that situation hit me, "Jeez Kade, the real world is full of monsters, how could he hate on someone so hard just for thinking that they might be transgender?" I quietly asked.

Kade didn't answer my question. Instead, he put his arms around me and pulled me into him, holding me tight. In his arms, I had all the answers I needed: acceptance, safety, security, support, and a whole lot of Kade love.


Although that incident took place some months ago now, it still remains unsettling for me. As Kade and I continue to integrate into your world, we are meeting many more people, whom we've come to call 'Bigot Burgers.'


But right now, we're back in our world, The Facility. And we have been urgently called to The Core.

Our team have become aware of a worrying new development that could impact your world.

We have been called to an emergency meeting with The Surgeons...

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