"Ivy", Caesar said, gaining my attention.

"He's going to be okay. I promise", he signed, and I found his words did nothing to calm me. I was panicking, having never been in this situation before.

"You don't know that", I whispered. His eyes softened at my words, but his attention diverted when one of the apes came to talk to him.

We reached the camp within minutes, and I couldn't help but be amazed at the sight of it. It was built entirely out of wood; strong and beautiful. This was Caesar's home?

"Jace is in that cabin", Caesar signed, pointing at a small cabin made out of animal skin and wood. I wasted no time in bursting in, seeing Jace on a makeshift bed. His shirt had been taken off, the wound in his stomach cleaned, stitched, and in the process of being bandaged.

I walked up to the bed, kneeling down next to him as the apes finished bandaging him up and lay him down before leaving us with Jace. He was still unconscious, and so I took his hand in my own lightly, afraid I was going to hurt him somehow.

I don't know how long we sat there for, both of the girls falling asleep across from me. I heard shuffling from behind me and I turned around in alarm, calming when I saw it was Caesar along with another ape.

"How is he?", Caesar signed, taking a seat next to me. I turned to face him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Breathing", I replied. He nodded, gesturing for the ape behind him to sit down with him. I looked at the ape who was noticeably one of the younger ones of the group. His eyes were a striking blue, full of curiosity and nervousness. I took in his features, along with the long and bloody cuts which scarred his cheek and left shoulder.

"This is Blue Eyes", Caesar signed, introducing the young ape. "He's my son."

My eyes widened at that as I looked between Caesar and Blue Eyes, noticing the similarities between them for the first time that day.

"Your son?", I smiled, tears of joy springing up in my eyes. Caesar smiled softly, nodding his head in reply. I breathed a laugh and put all of my attention on Blue Eyes, still finding it hard to process the fact that Caesar had a son.

Blue Eyes smiled at me nervously, holding his hand out for me to shake. I grabbed it, before pulling him towards me and into my arms. I smiled at his shock, ruffling the fur on his head before letting him go. Caesar chuckled, shaking his head at my actions.

"I have a newborn too. Another boy", Caesar said again. I gasped, unable to help the smile forming on my face once again.

"Damn Caesar. You've been really busy these past years, eh?", I teased, laughing when Caesar lunged at me, tackling me and putting me in a headlock. I punched his sides lightly, waiting for him to let go before pushing him away.

"You've got your own family", I stated, still finding it hard to process that fact.

"So have you", he smiled, gesturing towards Jace and the girls. I looked at them, my smile faltering slightly when I saw their disheveled, worn out states.

"I do", I mumbled, turning to look at Caesar again.

"Blue Eyes will give them their own rooms, if you'll let us", Caesar proposed.

"Will they be safe?", I asked, not really wanting them out of my sight. I looked to Blue Eyes, noticing how his eyes were trained on Holly in particular. I narrowed my eyes at that slightly.

"They'll be in my home, in the rooms next to mine", he reassured. I nodded, letting Blue Eyes get past me and towards the girls to wake them up. They protested for a bit but agreed to it eventually, leaving with Blue Eyes leading the way.

Ivy ( rise of the planet of the apes )Where stories live. Discover now