Chapter Thirteen

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Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that this is an EARLY update.


Yep, you can thank me later ;)

* * *

Today was the day.

It had taken us days of planning and finally, the day had come to break Caesar out. I knew after mine and Jace's little trick with my tag, I had to stay away from my house until my plan had carried through. So I packed a bag, grabbed some cash and left. Of course I missed my Dad, despite seeing him a few times from a distance. He looked broken without the rest of his family, but I knew by the time I was done he would agree that it was worth it.

He'd still been trying to get Caesar out too, even managing it but Caesar refused to leave with him.

It went against our plan, and so I was forced to stop him from leaving.

Ever since I was reunited with Caesar, he told me of the other apes every night when we talked. The longer he was there, the more attached he became with his own kind. Eventually, he broke it to me that he wanted freedom not just for him, but for the rest of the apes too. And so when Dad came one last time and bribed the owner of the shelter to let him go, I told him it was either leave alone or stay a little longer and leave with the rest.

Right now, I was at Jace's house. No one even thought to look for me here, as most people assumed me and Jace weren't even friends since we grew up hating each others guts. Our friendship was behind the scenes of everyone's view, and so it was the perfect hideout for the past few days.

"I'm going, it's going to get light soon", I mumbled to Jace. I saw Mitch, my blue monkey toy, lying at the bottom of my bag as I put in a spare change of clothes, a knife and a gun in my backpack.

I held it in my hand, wondering if I should take it or not. My Dad had kept this gun in his safe for as long as I could remember, never taking it out as he never had to.

I figured today was a good a day as any to bring the big guns out.

Get it? Never mind.

Ignore my lame jokes, it's the nerves talking I swear.

"It's time already?", he spoke up, sounding a little nervous too.

"Yeah. Remember what I told you, okay? You get Mia and you get to that farm", I instructed, looking at him in the eyes sternly. His eyes reflected worry, and my eyes softened. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Don't give me that look. You're a strong son of a bitch, remember that. You need to be strong for Mia", I comforted him, feeling him nod against my shoulder.

"I will. Take care of yourself, and for the love of God, don't get caught", he scolded me as he held my shoulders to look me in the eye sternly.

I grinned at him, feeling more excited now than nervous. I had everyone in place and the show was about to start. I'd sent Dad a text through Jace's phone around 10 minutes ago, and I could only hope he was going to go to the farm too.

"Thanks for everything, Jace. Couldn't have done any of this without you", I told him.

"Meh. It was nothing", he bloated cockily. I laughed, putting my backpack on and sitting on the edge of his window sill expertly, having done this more than a few times by now. Jace knew about it all, my illness as a kid to my advancing abilities.

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