The bed shook as he slammed his fists on the foam. I dared to look at him and smirk, "Aw, it seems like I struck a nerve there huh?"

He glared at me, "The reason why I have bad breath is because I have some cavities here and there and I haven't got the time to pull them out myself"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever"

He breathed in and out a couple times, trying to calm himself and sat down.

"You really know how to piss someone off huh?"

I flashed him my biggest smile, "It's my specialty"

He stared at me for a while, "Your attitude is quite similar to hers"

"You mean the girl that you killed?"

He smirked, "I thought I already told you, honey. I didn't kill her. She killed herself"

I clenched my fists, "Liar" I spat

He laughed, "Why would I lie?"

"She would never kill herself I mean why would she do that? It doesn't make sense"

His eyes glinted in mischief, "Oh, honey it all makes sense. I mean who wouldn't kill themselves if they're being used as a lab rat for a cure?"

I tensed.

"She just had enough. When she came here, she was passed out because she was shot in one of her vulnerable spots. I healed her of course and then offered her some coffee. She declined so I struck her and forced her to drink it" He continued

"I then started the experiment. Took a lot of blood, skin samples and operated her. Every single day" He smiled as if he's reliving it all.

I looked at him in disgust. "I kept doing it for months before she finally cracked. On the tenth month the girl begged me to just kill her" He laughed

"You're a monster" I spat

His eyes flickered to mine, "I just did her a favor, honey. I gave her a knife and she killed herself instead of lunging at me. It was her choice"

"She would've lunged at you if you didn't scar her. She would still be alive if you just asked her to cooperate nicely!"

His eyes showed confusion, "Who would cooperate to finding a cure that would be sold to the rich first?"

I froze, "What?"

He grinned, "They didn't tell you?"

My body began to shake, "The soldier told me that you're gonna experiment me for a cure. A cure that would be accessible. That's the only reason why I'm here" My voice slightly trembled.

He laughed, "Did you really think that the cure would be that easy to access? Do you know how many would pay billions for just a bottle of cure?"

He shook his head, chuckling "That soldier is one heck of a liar"

I gritted my teeth, "You all fooled me"

He glanced at me, "If we didn't then you wouldn't come right? We can't risk it, honey. I only have a few bottles of Leila's blood left and in a few days there wouldn't be anything left. It's a good thing that you came"

I bit my lip in anger, "You had Leila for months yet you still don't have a lead on how to make a cure? Why are you even the head?"

He looked at me, amused "Who said that I don't have a lead? I already know how to make a cure, honey. I was able to make one using her blood but it could only last for a few hours before the zombie comes back to its rabid state"


"Her blood isn't strong enough. I tried so many times but the results are always the same. The cure doesn't last long" He paused

"So I thought that maybe it's not my methods that are wrong, it's her blood. It's just not strong enough"

I tried to process it all in. What does he mean by 'it's just not strong enough'? What blood classifies as strong?

He sighed, "I almost broke down when she said that she's the only one. But seeing you" He stopped and looked at me with admiration.

"I regained hope that maybe your blood could produce a long lasting cure"

I growled, "I would've done this willingly if you had the intention to distribute the cure equally"

He laughed, "We will"


He must've noticed the way I looked at him so he broke into fits of laughter again. I looked at him in annoyance as I tried to understand what was going on.

"We're planning to sell most of the cure to the rich first and distribute the rest with a price"

"It's not free?" I scoffed

"Why should it be free? It's the perfect time to take advantage of the needs of the people, Kiara" He mused, his eyes glinting

I clenched my jaw, "Does the government know about this?"

He clicked his tongue, "They do. They need the money to rebuild Korea so what did you expect?"

I stared at him in disgust, "You're all sick"

He laughed like a maniac, "No honey, we're just being smart"

"And soon, we'll be able to take advantage of this apocalypse. Countries would beg for the cure and Korea would be on the top of the chain. America would fall to its knees along with the other first world countries that once dominated the world."

I took a sharp breath as he locked eyes with me,

"And you're going to be the reason why"

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