5:McDonald's and attacks

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"So what do we do now" Lia asks me as I turn on the car prepared for terrible amount of traffic that we will face trying to get out of the venue parking lot.

"Well it's midnight so how about go to our room" I say looking at the clock on my wrist basically scream asking me why the hell I wan't lying in bed yet.

"you're kidding right? Come on Des we just finished a concert and now have an unmeasurable amount of adrenaline coursing through our veins and you want us to simply go to sleep" she questions with wide eyes as if sleeping was a crime.

I laugh at her dumbfounded expression at such a simple request and shake my head while continuing to laugh "well what do you suggest we do then since apparently sleep is not allowed"

"McDonald's is open 24/7 and I'm pretty sure I saw one with a play place not too far from here It's a little isolated though" the insane girl I unfortunately call my friend shrugs with a hopeful smile wide across her face.

"you're the definition of a lunatic you know that" I ask giving her the side eye and raising an eyebrow but only for a split-second not wanting to avert my eyes from the road.

"I am well aware and you love my insanity so don't complain" she pulls out her phone and hands it to me when I look at it I see it is the maps on with the GPS put to follow the route of a nearby McDonald's I oblige and follow the route stupidly excited to find out what things will happen at midnight in a McDonald's play area with Lia

As I park my car and siri says her infamous "you have reached your destination" Lia literally jumps out the car and runs inside probably scaring the cashier, I follow her lead as her wild mood has now rubbed off on me making me every bit as pumped as she is though probably slightly less deranged (the good kind of deranged though)

"Hey if you want I'll order since I know what you like and you could go ahead and start doing whatever you do in a McDonald's play-place at midnight" I suggest to the oddly overjoyed girl

"Okay mom i'll see ya on the slide" she laughs, winks at me and dashes to the play place

"You're friend acts like a five year old" the woman that looks only a few years older than me asks from behind the register

"True that " I laugh as well

"I'm Kiara by the way and i'll be right with you for your order" Kiara gives me a smile before going around the corner to a part of the McDonald's I can't see. I nod and look down at my phone when I decide to scroll through Instagram for awhile. After of few moments of doing this I hear the entrance bell ring and hear some loud voices that can't belong to Lia as she is is still outside and the voices are way too low

I look up to find five male figures walk into the fast food restaurant I quickly put 911 on my phone ready to call at the touch of a button it was now one in the morning it is not normal and extremely creepy to be at a McDonald's in the middle of no where at this hour 

oh wait I'm here whoops still creepy

Kiara then peeks around the corner and screams looking behind me just as I feel a tap on my shoulder so naturally I assume I was right and they were serial killers here to kill me so I ram my elbow back and forcefully hit whatever behind me then without hesitation or taking a moment to see who it is I take his arm and pin it behind his back putting him against the counter. 

"Ugh" I hear him groan while I pin him against the counter I take his surprise and pain as a chance to see who I just attacked 

"who are- oh my lord you're-omg omg omg I am so so so so sorry I get a little paranoid sometimes and so I got scared when I heard her shriek as you poked me and the setting and everything just went with it so perfectly and I thought you were going to kill me so I just acted on survival instinct and didn't see who it was and I just am so so so sorry" I ramble an apology after my eyes go wide seeing who I just attacked not wasting half a second on letting go of him 

"It's fine it was my fault for scaring you, do you work out by the way because you're strong" Zach laughs it off. That's right Zach as in Zach Herron. Good going Des you just went all karate kid on your celebrity that you might have actually had a chance with. 



also when I was writing this and I was like what if I was like PLOT TWIST IT'S PRETTY MUCH but then I was like nah because why would it make sense and I don't know a thing about them so yeah I decided to be predictable instead

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