3:hugs and well more hugs

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After I shrug to myself when Corbyn was not facing me I turn to the next boy once I realize who it is a brand new wave of excitement passed through me like rabid wave crashing into rocks on the beach.

'This was it' I thought

'This is my moment' I thought

I then went in and did it

I hugged Zach Herron

It was amazing,he was by far the best hugger as his strong arms wrapped around me giving me and a feeling of warmth I didn't know I needed until that time. As his small hint of distant,fading cologne though faint and distant intoxicates my nose making the amazing scent now coursing through my system feel like a breath of fresh air. Despite it being terribly short lived these were probably some of the best moments of my life up until that moment.

I wanted this to last forever to never let go of him or this feeling as he mumbles an I love you to me but unlike the other boys this time I paid attention and this time I felt a feeling I can only describe as magical erupt in my stomach making me feel some type away that almost forced me to grow the biggest smile possible on my face.

This moment of triumph was paused however when I glance over at Corbyn and he takes it as an opportunity to say he wants a hug as well.

But me being the small eloc that I am I don't give into his request instead I turn to him still in Zach's hold with my arms wrapped around him in return.

"No Zachs my favorite" I tell the blond boy holding closer the rosy cheeked one I was in an embrace with. As I see Corbyn's jaw drop to the floor I look at Zach to see he has the largest, most goofiest smile I have ever seen.

Now I'm not that mean so once Corbyn asks for a hug again after recovering from shock I pull away from Zach to hug him but as we begin to part Zach pulls me back in.

"No,back off"

This ladies and gentlemen is when I go into hysterics.

I physically can't stop giggling as I spread my arms back in there previous position so I'm hugging him again making me look like probably the biggest idiot there is.

"Fine we'll group hug" the blond huffs before placing his arms me and Zach's still tightly woven together bodies

Now people will try to call my bluff but I swear on Lia's life Zach was the one not letting go, he had a death grip on me as his strong arms wrapped around me in a hold so tight I couldn't get out even if I wanted to which I most definitely did not.

That's when eben put all my hopes and dreams and hold by telling us to hurry up because we were taking to long I nod not wanting to hold everyone else in the line and let go of Zach seeing a little bit of disappointment in his eyes as we pull away I then go to hug the last boy which is Jack before rushing to get in the middle of all the boys for the picture portion of the meet and greet.

Jonah is quick to wrap his arm around me as I stand in the middle of him and Zach with corbyn and Daniel of Jonah's side and Jack on Zach's, but Zach wasn't letting Jonah have the win of spending more time with me as he also wraps his arm around me and pulls my weak body into his strong muscular one.

Me once again being my smart self I mumble a quick nope to myself before shifting closer to Zach and hugging him whilst laying my head on his shoulder which he placed his own head on top of closing his eyes an actually smiling not only a genuine smile but probably one of if not the most genuine, peaceful adorable smiles I've ever see in my years of life. This made me so happy because as I mentioned he rarely had smiled in the time I've been there so seeing this sight warmed my heart. I had been able to make him smile something he had done for me through a screen every time I hit a low and all I ever want is to continue to make him smile.

As we parted from the embrace and group photo all together I begin to walk to the side but before I make it all the way out I'm stopped in my tracks by Zach "I love you, I love you,I love you"he said as I had to leave and would probably never see him again I smile a huge grin and say it back. I know it's nothing special I've been hearing him say it to various fans throughout the day but there was just something about it that made my heart flutter and beat inside my chest with the power of a large drum,quicker than a cheetah in a chase for its prey and with the persistence and stamina of the most determined track star.

As I walk back I feel the tears in my eyes and when I finally get to my friends side I'm trying to breath evenly and grasp the concept that that wasn't a dream but a reality, a reality better than anything that could have crossed my mind. Giving me a feeling that felt better than what I've hoped to feel for the entirety of my life.

And when these things do happen I am left smiling, smiling bright ever lasting smile

Hey guys so that took longer than expected sorry bout that but hey hope this chapter made up for it

So des and Zach met what did you think did I do the situation justice or was that a total face palm be honest I want to know your opinions

Also if you have any ideas for this story let me know because I don't really have much planned if I'm being honest but I promise what I do have is good (or at least in my opinion) so don't leave stick around and let me know if a light bulb of an idea sparked inside your brain for something that happens in This book

And this authors note has already been so long but I do have one more thing to say! So school re starts for me this Monday so I don't really know how much or when I'll update so I apologize in advance please bare with me here I am taking AP classes so it's hard plus my parents are obsessed with me studying like a lot so you already know.

Ok now I'm done I'll see y'all later byeee

Meet and greet {why don't we || zach Herron}Where stories live. Discover now