"Classy. A Walmart ring."

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"You don't mean that." He softened, and I exhaled. "I do. Now get out of my house." I said, and pushed his back so he would get the hint to start walking towards the door. "Ki, please. We both know what it's going to be like tomorrow." He tried to convince me, but I persisted. "Not this time, Luke. Not this time." I finally said, and closed the door as he stepped into the hallway.

I slid against the door, huffing at all the yelling and the tea that just brewed. I grabbed my phone, and started a text to Emma.

hey ik calum has you today but pls come home

hi no i'm going to vegas

wtf why

idk a wedding....

you should come

yeah just casually fly to vegas ok emma

but... it's kind of like, my wedding

I grabbed a bag and sent a quick text asking where she was and that I'd be there soon, and called Ashton and asked if he could dog-sit Pants, and he said yes. I packed three days worth of clothes into my bag, and everything else I could think of. I left twenty dollars on the kitchen counter, said a teary goodbye to Pants, and left.

I reached Calum's house sooner than expected, and saw him loading bags into the trunk. "You're getting married?" I asked Emma, and she nodded. "I asked him this morning, and he said yes! So, yeah. How was your morning?" Emma laughed, and I scoffed. "Luke and I fought, again. Normal stuff." I said simply, and Emma sighed.

"We need to find you a nice stripper in Vegas. One who'll treat you right." Emma said, and hugged me. "Aw, we're going back to Nevada. Memories." Emma wiped a fake tear away, and Calum said it'd be fine if I left the car here. "Oh, god. What are you going to wear?" I asked, and Emma shrugged. "I'm gonna wing it." She said, and I chuckled.

"Off to Vegas, then."

We got into the car, me driving as to lessen the third wheeling I knew was coming.

"Hey, we should get married by an Elvis. In a McDonald's." Emma said thoughtfully, Calum nodding in agreement. "What else would we do." He said in a duh-voice. "Calum, I just- I feel bad. You deserve better than Vegas and Elvis." Emma whined, and held Calum's hand. I gagged from the drivers seat, changing the mirror so i wouldn't see them.

"As long as I have you, I'm fine." He said, and I could hear them kiss. "Okay, save it for the wedding night." I said, and Emma laughed. "Also, um, who's watching our kid?" Emma almost yelled, and I assured her that Ashton had it under control. "If my dog isn't okay when I come back I'm going to fight someone." Emma huffed, and I chuckled dryly.

"Also, um, oh my God. I'm literally getting married." Emma said quietly, and I rolled my eyes. "Do you even have a ring?" I asked, and Emma turned to Calum.

"Stop by the Walmart!"

And so, I made a sharp left across three lanes to get into the Walmart lanes, horns honking, and I made it into the Walmart. "Classy. A Walmart ring." I mused, and Emma nodded. "Babe, give me like- twenty dollars. I'll pay you back." Emma pleaded, and soon she was off.

"So, you're finally getting hitched." I said, looking in the mirror at Calum. "I thought I'd feel more excited. Then again, I also thought I'd be proposing, but you never know with this one." Calum smiled softly, and I gagged again. "Okay, cool. Anyways, how are you going to get to Vegas?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Damn, you two are going to have the most indecisive kids." I said, and he nodded in agreement.

"Also, um. I'm not going to Vegas." Calum said, and I raised an eyebrow. "Even though it'd cross the list, I know Emma really wants to get married in Hell, Michigan. Or California." Calum thought out loud, and I laughed at the first option. "Hell, Michigan?" I repeated, and he chortled. "She watched an Elijah and Christine video almost ten years ago, where he was mayor and banned straight people. So she's had a goal ever since." Calum breathed, and I shook my head.

"Sounds like her." I admitted, and saw Emma coming back. "You have change." She said, and gave him back about a dollar. "Hey, oh my God. We should have a road trip." Emma said suddenly, and I narrowed my eyes on her. "We are in Malibu, Emma. Vegas is like, twelve hours away." I said, and Emma went 'oh' in realization. "Well, we start early tomorrow morning? Oh Jesus, we could rent a mini van. You know what? Yeah. That's what we're doing.

"Call up the gang, because bitch I'm getting married."

i had to change their location from a previous chapter to sydney lol anyways
also are there even walmarts in australia i don't know but let's say there is
i only updated because @mukecide aka my irl ki was bullying me
so happy late birthday you grandpa looking ass bitch <3

anyways don't worry they probably won't have the road trip because that's not part of the story line and it's cringy but i like having emma's dreams get all high up and having ki shoot them down because that's how it is with us irl <3<3

anyways yikes two emo hearts in a row goodnight

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