"Come emo with me."

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I groaned, debating whether to open it or not. I opted against it, and turned my phone off to watch We Bare Bears on Cartoon Network. I sat cross-legged, only getting up because I needed to brush my teeth and eat something. I grabbed the Fruit Loops, and realized after I poured the cereal I had no milk.

"Oh, fuck me."

"Wish I could."

I turned around so fast I dropped my cereal, and screamed in frustration. "What the hell, Luke! I dropped my damn Loops." I muttered the last part, picking up the pieces that fell before Pants could. "Bigger question, how did you get into my home??" I asked, and threw away the cereal I picked up.

"You gave me a key, and said I could come over whenever I wanted to be emo. So, here I am. Come emo with me." He said, and I laughed dryly. "Well, okay. I guess." I said, and went back to my room. "Where's the loud one?" Luke asked, and I chuckled. "Under Calum's custody today." I said, and he looked at me questioningly. "Uh- sure. Okay." He agreed, and sat next to me on my bed.

"Why do we always say the word 'emo'?" I thought out loud, and Luke shrugged. "Emma just didn't get the memo from Dan and Anthony not to emo-shame, I guess." Luke added, and I went "ah" in response. "So, what's emo-ing you?" I asked, and turned to face him, still sitting criss-cross. "You." He said, and I choked, blinking a few times.

"Clearly. So, why am I emo-img you?" I asked again, and he sat for a while, thinking. "Because- you do stuff like you did last night, but then you ignore me because you're stuck on the past." Luke sighed, and I bit my lip in an angry way.

"Yeah, well. Sometimes I forget the emotional damage you put me through, and casually forget the therapy I had for a while and just remember how much I loved you. That's when stuff like last night happen. So, when you say I emo you, just know that really- you emo me." I said in a way I knew sounded bitchy, but couldn't stop myself. "Happy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I just wish you'd make up your mind! It feels like all we do is go back and forth between being a couple, to you hating me and avoiding me." He exasperated, and I laughed again.

"Yes well, when you're not sure of whether or not the man who once ruined your life is okay to love again, you'll find it's hard to trust him again. Sorry for the trust issues." I shrugged, and he laughed this time. "Do you want to know why I did what I did?" He yelled, and I flinched.

"I was in a bad position back then-"

"Almost a year ago."

"Yes, let me finish. Anyways, I wasn't in the best state of mind. I thought everyone hated me. I knew how your family felt about me, and I assumed you believed them because I mean- they're your family, you grew up with them. Anyways, I just had this thing where I thought no one could love me. Not only was I half-addicted to drugs, but I was losing money fast. I wanted you to leave while you still could until I was swimming in debt, and I knew you wouldn't have left me so easily.

"So I had to figure out another way to get you to leave. I didn't expect it to go this far. I never wanted it to go this far. I'm sorry." He finished, and I gulped. "So, instead of talking to me about it, you just tried to make me mad? What the hell Luke, if you thought that speech was supposed to help you somehow, you were wrong." I said, and he stood up.

"Well shit, Ki. I don't know what else to tell you." He yelled again, and I stood up too. "Why didn't you stop me then! Why did you let me walk out!" I screamed, and he yelled back too. "I thought I was doing the right thing!"

"Well, clearly we were both wrong." I said in a normal voice, and wiped away the tears I felt rolling. "Look Luke, I get it that you were trying to do what you thought was best, but I could've helped. We could've gotten a job, and I'm sure you could've asked one of the boys to help you. Why didn't you?" I asked quietly, and he straightened up.

"I- I wanted to do it for myself." He croaked, and I looked him in the eyes.

"You mean to tell me your own vanity is what ended our relationship? You mean to tell me you threw away five years of our lives because you wanted to 'be a man' and do it yourself?" I yelled again, and i felt all sorts of emotions swimming through my mind. "Yes." He said slowly, and I laughed shakily. "I wish I never met you. I wish I never heard your stupid voice on the radio, I wish I never decided you were the one for me,

"I wish I never loved you."

whatttt two updates in one hour

sure this is shorter than usual but leave me alone

anyways yeah i was debating whether or not to have ki slap luke but luckily ruled against it anyways love u all thanks for 200+ reads


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