Chapter 27

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Tris POV

Me and Uriah walk into the cafeteria holding hands. Today we find out the initiates rankings.

"As you know, only ten of the initiates, dauntless born and transfers, will get to become Dauntless members. Behind me, the rankings will come up." Eric announces.

The rankings appear on a big screen Eric stands in front of:

1.Lucy -Lucy! She did it!!



4.Brandon -Brandon must've been Dauntless born.

5.Kaylia -Another Dauntless born.



8. Mikaela -Dauntless born again.

9.Steven -All mine and Uri's initiates!


The rest are Dauntless born.

Uriah smiles at me and I immediately return the smile lovingly. I walk over to our initiates -now members- to congratulate them. I give them all hugs and as I'm about to walk back to Uriah, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn round; they don't feel like Uri's arms.

"Zekey!" I shout playfully.

"Trissy!" He says, mimicking my tone.

I laugh, "What are you doing, Zekey?"

"Just wanted to hug you." He shrugs.

"Okay. I'm going back to Uri now."

He nods and walks off, looking sad. I get to Uri and he kisses my forehead.

"What was all that about?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I was about to come over to you and he came and hugged me. I feel sorry for him."

"Me too." He sighs.

I take his hand and make him follow me back to our apartment.

We get in and he pushes me against the wall, kissing me. I pull back to breathe.

"Ur..i." I gasp.

"That's me."

"Let's have a candor or dauntless party." I suggest.

"Okay, what time?"

"Half a hour."

He nods and let's go of me.

I go into our bedroom to get ready. I wear all black: leggings, shorts, sports bra, tank top, crop top and a jumper. There; I think that's enough layers. I go to Uri and he's wearing exactly the same: just a t-shirt and jeans. I smirk and round up all our friends.

Uriah POV

Tris goes out to round up everybody so I start to get enough space on the floor for us. By the time I've moved all the furniture to the edges of the room, Tris comes back in with all our friends. I smile and pick Tris up, carry her to the space I made and sit her on my lap. She smiles at me as everybody else sits down in a circle: me, Tris, Zeke, Peter, Christina, Marlene, Lynn, Shauna, Will, Al, Lauren, Four and Eric. To be perfectly honest, sitting next to Eric scares me. The whole room begins laughing. Tris sense my confusion and whispers into my ear, "You said that out loud, Uri."

Oh. I blush and Tris giggles lightly.

"Okay, I'm going first!" I scream, "Four, Candor or Dauntless?"


"Go into the pit naked and sing happy birthday to a random person." I smirk.

"Hell no!" He says and takes off his shirt.

Then he turns to Peter, "Pete, Candor or Dauntless?"

"Pete? Really? And Candor." He replies.

Everybody glares at me before I say pansycake. I put my hands up in mock surrender and everybody relaxes, "PAAANSYCAAAKE!" I scream.

Eric punches my arm. "Ow!"

Eric just rolls his eyes and then looks at Four.

"Right. Peter. What do you like about Christina?" Four asks.

"Her personality and just her, I guess."

"Awwwww!" Chris squeals and kisses him.

Peter POV

After me and Chris stop kissing, I look at her, "Candor or Dauntless, Chrissy?"


"Okay, I'm kind of stepping on Uri's shoes now but I was going to do this tonight anyway and now we're at a candor or dauntless party so what I'm trying to say is," I get down on one knee and pull out the ring I bought weeks ago, "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Chris, will you marry me?"

"YES!" Chris squeals, as I expected her to.

I kiss her again and put the ring on her finger.

A/N: 50 votes!! This is so amazing! Okay so as usual - 1 vote =next chapter!

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