Chapter 1

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Tris POV

"TRIS! Get your ass out of bed! I need to get you ready for the party at Zeke and Uriah's place!" Christina yells.
"Coming." I groan.
As I open my eyes, Christina is standing over my bed staring at me. I put my hands up in mock surrender and go to have a shower. I must be in for about half a hour before Chris gets mad and starts screaming at me to get out. I pull on a black track suit and walk out to Chris.
"LETS GO SHOPPING!" she practically shouts but in a sing-song voice.

She makes me buy skin tight gymnast shorts, a skirt that lays just above my knees, a vest top, a sparkly crop top, leather jacket and thigh high boots. Obviously all in black.
"Why so many layers, Chris?"
"You'll see and thank me later." She winks at me.
Now I'm scared.

Christina POV

I'm literally buzzing for the party tonight! I've not allowed myself to tell her what's going to happen no matter how much I've wanted to because I know she'll back out.
"Why so many layers, Chris?" I'm pulled back to reality by Tris' questioning.
"You'll see and thank me later." I say and add in a wink to scare her.

Tris POV

The party starts in a hour so I rush into the bathroom and get changed into the clothes I bought. I look at myself in the mirror. No wonder I haven't got a boyfriend even though I've been in Dauntless a year tomorrow: I'm short; not the skinniest of people; have hardly any muscle; and I'm not most people's idea of 'pretty'. I sigh and sit in front of a mirror preparing myself for what Christina's about to do to my face.

Christina POV

Tris will look so pretty when I'm done with her! She comes out the bathroom looking a little depressed and sits in the chair in front of me. I give her a thin layer of foundation, smoky black eyes, blood red lips, long black eyelashes, and rosy red yet natural cheeks to complete the sexy look I'm aiming for.

She looks beautiful! I nod into the mirror where Tris is staring in awe at my amazing make-up handy work. She turns to me with a grin plastered onto her face and gives me a hug. I wear a similar outfit to Tris, purely for the layers, I don't believe in all that bestfriends wear the same shit. For my makeup I go different to Tris.

I give myself dark purple eyes, nude lips, a nude pink colour blush compliments my cheeks and I put on a similar mascara to Tris', making my eyelashes long and black.
"Come on, we have 5 minutes to get there!" I call out to Tris. She nods and links my arm as we walk happily along to Zeke and Uriah's apartment.

Tris POV

Wow. Chris has actually made me look pretty! I think she was going for the sexy biker chic look. It's worked; trust me. I can't even recognise myself! I snap out of my own thoughts as Chris shouts, "Come on, we have 5 minutes to get there!" I look over to her, nod, and link my arm through hers as we make our way across the compound, getting wolf whistles, ugh we're girls not animals, to get to Uriah and Zeke's apartment.

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