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And so it began. From direct messaging to snapchatting to eventually exchanging numbers, the two spent all day and night talking to each other about any and everything. They talked about their lives, life goals, and how their channels were doing. Together they had even thought up some new creative ideas and hoped that their viewers would enjoy it as well.

That day Maize decided it was time to stop procrastinating. She put together her boxes, placed them all around the house and then sat down on the floor with her phone texting Craig. Today's topic, relationships. Or more so what they wanted in one if they ever did find the right person.

Craig told her he wanted someone like him, someone who understood that from time to time he would be busy. She understood. She wanted the same thing.

He then told her about all the things he wanted to do and all the places he wanted to go with the girl he wanted to date. She even shared some of her bucket list with him as well.

Then the grandfather clock her dad gave her chimed and she realized she could procrastinate no more. Tomorrow the movers would be there to pick up her stuff. She better get a move on it.

After finishing one room, Maize sprawled out on the floor with her phone in hand. She placed her face into the shaggy carpet and listened to Craig rambling on the other end.

"Are you eating the floor?"

"Mo!" She picked up her head and smiled at him. "It smells awful. Should I get them shampooed?"

"Is it noticeable?"

"Not really. Unless you face plant."

"Then naah," he waved his hand and scrunched up his face in a cute way. She smiled and looked away.

"Yea, more money than I need to dish right now. With this move my usual income source will drop." She plopped her face back into the carpet and mumbled more. "Moving sucks."

"That's for sure. Wouldn't want to do that again any time soon."

"You moved across the world, I don't blame you." She laughed. "Can I just lay you down somewhere so I can finish this house?"

"That's fine. I'm probably going to start recording soon anyway."

"Oh boy, hearing you rage, I'm ready!"

"Hey! I don't rage."

"Sureee, putting you down now."

She placed her phone down on a box and went to work in the next room. Even while she was across the room, she could hear him while he recorded and she couldn't help but smile. He was weird but cute and she liked him. A lot more than she expected.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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