chapter twenty nine: broken promises.

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*colby's pov*

the last sip of alcohol slipped down my throat and entered my system, blurring everything around me for a second. my body started to feel lighter, and my brain stopped screaming at me to find stephanie.
i lost her somewhere along the way in this party, but after i had a few drinks, i realized she could handle herself. she's strong.

"beer me," i said to brennen, who was handling the drinks.

"you sure dude? you had a few already, i don't want you to get wasted." he cautiously grabbed a bottle from the fridge.

"i'll be fine, i'm having fun!" i waved my arms in the air, causing brennen to chuckle and hand me another beer.

my lightheadedness was a bit alarming, but now as enjoying myself. i wasn't going to ruin my own night.

"hey, hottie," i felt a hand place itself on my shoulder.
i turned around to see corinna.

"hey, corinna," i chuckled, "what's up?" i smiled, allowing another dose of alcohol to help push out my now tiny voices warning me, "go find stephanie," and "don't get involved with corinna, she's bad news,".

"oh, not much, not much. i was just wondering if maybe you wanted to, uh, find someplace quiet and maybe...have a little fun?" she questioned, the corners of her mouth twisting into a attractive but creepily weird smirk.

fun? like, games fun or sexual fun?

"um, you know, i probably shouldn't, i've got a girlfriend." i nodded, assuming it was sexual fun and sipping my drink once more.

"oh, come one, don't be a party pooper! i'm sure she won't mind, it's just a little innocent time together," corinna batted her eyelashes in my direction, twisting a piece of blond hair around her index finger.

well, she said innocent fun. that must mean nothing sexual- i guess it's alright to hang around for a little while.

"uh, alright, fine. but no funny business," i pointed my finger towards her.

"no funny business." she nodded and smiled.

corinna grabbed my hand and led me to a couch in a room across the house, where only a few people stood chatting. she plopped down in the couch and waved me over, letting me sit next to her. she then proceeded to lean closer as i sipped my beer, and she kissed my cheek.

"you're looking hot as hell tonight, colby," she winked, her weirdly warm vodka scented breath reaching my ear.
she squeezed my thigh, and i knew i shouldn't let her, but she's just being playful. it's fine.

"thanks, corinna, you look nice too." i said halfheartedly.

then it happened, and i couldn't do anything to
stop it.

corinna smashed her dry lips onto mine, and my eyes fluttered open in shock. she slipped her tongue into my mouth fast, and as she did...
stephanie came around the corner.


*stephanie's pov*

no, no, no.
this isn't happening.
this can't be happening.

rewind: i lost colby an hour ago at this huge party hosted by some youtuber i don't remember, and i've been searching forever to find him.
and where i find him is making out with
corinna kopf on a couch.

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