chapter seventeen: bowling alley- part two.

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(an: AHHH 300 READS!!! thank you guys so much, you have no idea how happy i am about you guys following this story. ahh thank you so much !!! alright, next chapter!)

*stephanie's pov*

"i just wanna say, can i say something?" corey asked.

"yeah," elton responded.

"did we literally just, like, break into a bowling alley?" corey said, excitement glazing his child-like eyes.

"in the middle of utah!" sam laughed, adding on to corey's statement.

"dude, good thing we're leaving, like, in a day," corey covered his mouth, "dude, this is so illegal."

colby seemed to read my mind as he asked elton, "wait, is there any security cameras?"

a look of realization took over every one of my friends faces, and we felt like idiots.

we snuck out from the back of the lanes and colby immediately found security cameras hanging from the walls.

corey made the point that it's highly likely no
one is watching those cameras, so we decided to just be the dumbasses we are and stay the night in this empty bowling alley.


colby grabbed my wrist and snuck me up to the front desk of the alley while corey and sam were filming elton roll a ball down each lane.

i knew exactly what he was planning the second he swiped the microphone from its stand.

"excuse me, calm down right now," he spoke, turning it on.

corey, sam and elton jumped with fear and looked over to find a mischievous look spread across colby's adorable face. they let out sighs of relief as i stood next to a smiley colby with the microphone in his hand.

"you scared the shit out of me," elton said.

"COLBY!" corey exclaimed, clearly still terrified.

"oh, i'm sorry," colby replied sarcastically.

"that literally sounded like a police officer." sam looked into the camera corey was holding.

tons of "woah"s and nervous talking repeated itself for a few seconds until elton breathed out,
"i thought you were a cop, holy crap,"

"guys, i'm just bringing the party to liiiiiiife," he said in his funny voice, causing the group to laugh.

colby looked over at me with a warm smile on his face, setting off yet another eruption of what felt like firecrackers in my stomach.

i walked back down near sam with colby by my side, and corey continued to joke around with the mic and then the boys kept messing around for a while. i bowled with them a few times in the beginning, but i was enjoying sitting back and watching my friends be stupid.
they put colby in the lane multiple times, which got me a little scared because i didn't want him to fall or get hit and end up hurt, but it was when elton put him on a chair that i got interested.

"colby?" elton spoke up, "will you sit in the chair?"

"if you hit the chair at all, im-i'm dead," colby warned elton.

"i won't hit the chair." elton said to him.

colby stood up on the chair and elton said, "colby, i love you," and bowled.
the ball went straight through the center, missing the chair and falling into the gutter. i sparked an idea and grabbed a ball next to me.

"hey, colby, watch out!" i yelled, dashing down to throw my ball down the floor of the lane. i rolled it towards the chair, and it went barreling straight through the lane, hitting a strike faster than elton had done a half hour ago, knocking every last pin out.

elton and corey jumped like mosh-pitters while sam screamed in surprise, and colby just was caught off guard. he started laughing and hopped down from the chair, walking out of the lane and pulling me into a playful hug. he picked me up off the floor and spun me around, a fit of giggles escaping my lips.
the rest let out a ton of cheesy "aww"s and colby just laughed.


"colby, how you doin' there, buddy?" elton chuckled, filming him as he dragged his feet in the floor in exhaustion.

"i'm just tired, dude, like, ugh," colby smiled.

"how many games have we bowled?" elton asked us.

"42," corey joked.

"42 games?" elton said, surprised.

"are you counting?" colby asked corey.

"no, i'm not counting, but i swear to god it's around that."

i smiled at them as they talked about how long they've been bowling and how late it is, and sam laid in the floor as a joke. they stood around and just talked about the situation for a bit while i hung around by the desk. i had acquired quite a few pictures of zoomed-in versions of my friends throughout the night; i can keep them as a joke.

"steph, what are you even doing?" sam asked me from down by the lanes.

i picked up the microphone and turned it on.
"i'm laughing at you while you guys joke around." i chuckled into the mic.

"come down here," colby half-assed a beg as i put the microphone back, got off my chair and walked over to them.
i stood around with a goofy smile on my face as corey tapped in some shoes that were way too big for his feet, and then they decided it was time to leave.
sam turned off all the lights and the lanes, and elton chose to leave some money for the alley workers, kind of like a "thank you for letting us break in and hang around like idiots" reward.
then, we climbed out the window and into the parking lot.

elton set up the camera and filmed his outro with us, then we hopped in the car and drove back to the hotel.

••• (i'm too lazy to write the drive back !)

i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. elton, sam, and corey were all asleep, and i thought colby was too, but i couldn't seem to get sleepy, so i was scrolling through twitter out of boredom.

"what are you doing up?" colby said in his raspy, tired voice.

"i should be asking you the same question." i whispered back.

"well, i was asleep, but i woke up again and now i'm extra tired but unable to sleep." he smiled into my shoulder.

"i haven't been able to sleep all night. i've been awake the whole time." i replied.

"aw, steph," he lifted his head and i turned mine to meet his gaze.

he leaned in and gave me a kiss, laying back down next to me and hugging me.
i put down my phone and let him hold me close, and the sound of his breathing slowing down caused mine to repeat the action, and my mind stopped buzzing and i slowly drifted into a comfortable sleep, colby's protecting arms still around my waist.

(wow a while chapter without switching povs. i'm surprised. anyways, new chapters soon. love you guys !!)

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