chapter twenty: dinner for three- part two.

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*stephanie's pov*

we were seated at a small booth with a bright white tablecloth draped over the table. a blonde, skinny waitress sauntered over to us with a small order pad in her hand.

"hi, my name is jane and i'll be serving you today. can i start you off with some drinks?"
she said in a sickly sweet tone as she handed us some menus.
something about her was a bit off-putting, but i pushed the thought aside.

"yeah, i'll have an iced tea." brennen smiled at her.

"i'll have the same." i replied, staring at her sternly.

"and what about you, darling?" jane the waitress said, batting her fake eyelashes at colby.

my face started to heat up and i stared her down, but colby grabbed my hand and rubbed circles into it, instantly calming my nerves before they could get out of hand.

"i'll just have some water, please. thank you." he nodded awkwardly to her and looked back at me with sympathy.

"alright, those will be right out." she sashayed away, trying to get colby's attention, but his eyes stayed on our hands.

"damn, steph, i thought your head was gonna blow off," brennen chuckled lightheartedly.

"i'm not going to let some flat-assed barbie doll hit on him, am i?" i smirked at brennen, who covered his mouth and muffled an "oh shit," to colby, who just smiled at his menu, loosening his grip on my hand.

seconds later, way faster than any regular waitress would, jane the barbie doll returned with our drinks, carefully placing colby's down first.

"are you ready to order?" she asked in her irritatingly high-pitched voice.

"yeah, i'll have the carbonara, please, thank you." brennen replied, sipping his drink as he pushed the menu into her hands abruptly. she looked at him with a tinge of anger in her eyes, and brennen stifled a laugh, looking at me.

"i'll have the penne vodka, please," colby said, smiling kindly and awkwardly like he always does.

"good choice." she winked at him, and that set me off.

"i'll have the fettuccine alfredo." she doesn't deserve a "please".

the blonde-haired walking piece of plastic shot me a dirty look and took the rest of the menus, placing her hand on colby's shoulder as she left the table.

"colby, aren't you bothered by this?" i asked, clearly angry over that bitch's unacceptable behavior.

"yes, i am extremely bothered, but i'm waiting it out. i want to see if she'll stop. if she doesn't, i'll say something. just try to keep your cool, okay? i'll handle it." he said, kissing my cheek.

"daddy colby always knows what to do." brennen winked, turning colby's face dangerously red and causing me to laugh.

me and brennen kept up a conversation about what kind of videos might be fun to do while colby sat and listened. i haven't uploaded my first video yet, and i need ideas, so brennen was helping me come up with something.

"oh, wait! i just got a good idea," brennen interrupted our few seconds of thought.

"whatchya got?" i looked at him, leaning my cheek against my hand.

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