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Yoongi heads to the store and buys some necessities for the plan tonight.

Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook hangout all day, getting everything ready. They try their best to avoid any producers, camera men and Taehyung himself.

Jungkook does spend some time in his room alone, slightly contemplating the plan. It's not an obvious plan, and Taehyung probably won't even realize what's happening.

And Jungkook hopes the boy won't hate him after it. It's just to get him to open up a bit, to stop acting so strange.

Jimin had told Jungkook about Taehyung's real personality from outside the competition, and he sounds like a much nicer, funnier and social person. And Jungkook wants to know, he wants to know what Taehyung's been hiding behind his fake 'tough' act.

The three boys are a little skeptical about the plan because they might have chosen the worst possible day for it.

Round three is tomorrow night, and they put off practising all day in order to plan stuff. However they'll have the entire day tomorrow to practise and plus Jungkook is already pretty confident in himself.


"Here's everything, you have 5 minutes so we'll go to Yoongi's room and wait incase he sees us in the hallway." Jimin hands Jungkook a heavy bag with the bought items in it. He gives Jungkook a thumbs up before him and Yoongi sneak off.

It's 12 on the dot and Jungkook is heading into to his room, phone in hand as he sends out the first text.

I have your music list. Come to my room if you want it back.

Jungkook presses send, placing the bag on his nightstand and pulling out a bottle of vodka.

He rushes over to the fridge and pulls out a jug of juice, placing it on top of the fridge. The boy retrieves two cups and poors the juice, before filling one of the cups with vodka, a lot of vodka.

I'm on my way.

When Jungkook reads the text, his nerves suddenly kick in. And these aren't the 'going on stage in front of thousands of people' nerves. They're the nerves where he knows he could get in trouble. But the boy doesn't care, because this is a competition and behind the scenes, competitions are ugly, bloody and competitions. And if you want to win, you have to play the game.

Jungkook hides the juice back into his mini fridge before heading a knock on his door. He waits a few seconds, texting Jimin and Yoongi that the plan has started before walking over and opening the door.

The second Jungkook opens the door, Taehyung is brushing past the boy, his arms crossed as he stands in front of Jungkook.

"Where is it?" Taehyung asks, his face stern as he clenches his jaw.

Jungkook closes his door and fully faces his body towards Taehyung before smirking just slightly.

"You think it's that easy?" Jungkook says, earning a scoff from Taehyung.

"What the fuck Jeon. Give me my music list. I don't want you stealing my songs, or do you just have no more ideas and use mine as a last resource? That's pretty pathetic." Taehyung rolls his eyes, keeping his arms crossed.

Jungkook steps passed the boy and over to the fridge where the two drinks sit atop.

"I think you should calm down Taehyung. Here, have a drink." Jungkook says, picking up both cups and handing Taehyung one. The boys face scrunches up as he eyes the cup.

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