"what ya lookin at"

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"what ya lookin at:"

When Namjoon makes the turn to his neighborhood the smell of smoke tickles his nose. He wrinkles it up and feels a smile blooming over his lips.

Cigarette boy is here.

It would be an understatement to say that Namjoon was feeling butterflies flutter inside his stomach.

If he had to be accurate about it he'd say that it was the stampede of students from school who rush out to leave from class.

That's as close as he can get. Namjoon starts to sub-consciously twirl his hands together, brushing his bangs that cascade over his eyes and blur his vision.

He pulls his knitted sweater closer to his body, his cheeks flushing when he remembers the last time he passed by cigarette boy and those words were thrown at him.

Suddenly, Namjoon remembers that he wants to turn away, not confront stage boy today or any day.

But, it's too late because he's already made the turn and the actors have noticed him. Here comes your boyfriend Yoongi, they all sing to him as they smirk and wink at Namjoon.

There's an easy teasing in their eyes, their smirks don't hold cockiness or sneers, it's just a playful grin that they throw at Namjoon and elbow stage boy.

Aren't you going to send a kiss to your boooyfriend Yoongi.

The red on Namjoon's cheeks blossoms all over his face, it feels like a hot fire burning down his neck.

From where Namjoon walks slowly he can see that stage boy isn't faring any better.

He throws his un-lit cigarette at the boy who yelled it out, then glares at everyone who laughed. Though none of them stop their laughing, giggling and calling Namjoon over.

C'mon kid! We want to get to meet Yoongi's beloved love.

Namjoon hides his smile by looking down to the sidewalk and counting his steps. The words don't stop, they keep going and Namjoon's heart palpitates heavily against his chest.

He thinks he's about to explode and he's tempted to stop his walking and make his way over to the cave of smoke and feline eyes.

But, Namjoon doesn't do any of that. He can still remember the accusatory words from stage boy and he doesn't want to go through that again.

Instead he stops his tracks and clutches the straps of his backpack so tightly he can feel his knuckles go white.

The biting cold air of December nips at his nose and blows another breeze of cold air with it. He turns confidently at stage boy and his crew who are packing up their stage to leave.

Namjoon waits for him to turn around, watches the cigarette that dangles on his lips.

Namjoon sees it before he hears it.


Namjoon for the first time ever responds.

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