grey hoodie

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grey hoodie:

Namjoon has seen them at school before. He knows they go to the same one because it's the only one close by. Namjoon may have seen them, but he has never actuallylooked at them.

He knows they sit at the corner of the cafeteria, hidden behind the long table of popular kids and the white wall that separates them.

They are nothing at school like they are there. At school stage boy wear's a grey hoodie that seems to swallow his entire small frame, wearing tight blue jeans and worn out converse.

His actors dress in a similar way, their only sign of rebellion being the hoodie that covers their faces.

They stay hidden in the shadows of the school building, wanting to be invisible and blend in. Moving quick and efficient to not be seen, to not be recognized by anyone.

But, Namjoon knows, he knows who they are. He knows that he shares one class with stage boy, a creative writing class that Namjoon had signed up for at last minute with Hoseok and Jackson.

Stage boy always slides low in his seat, writing on a piece of paper that he covers with his arm from prying eyes. Namjoon hadn't paid attention to him, stage boy was just another peer in his class.

But, now that he has seen this side of stage boy, Namjoon wants to get to know him. Wants to know whythat stage boy at school is so different to this stage boy he sees every day after school.

Namjoon is curious and maybe that's why every time stage boy stares at him he glares, onyx eyes creating a hole inside of Namjoon's soul. Jerking his chin forward and sneering,


Namjoon is passing the wall again, today he has a black bruise over his eye. The bullies caught him again, but this time Namjoon pushed them away before they could do more damage, running off and feeling safe when he heard the loud music.

He stops to rest, taking a long sip of his water and moving forward to his house before his mother finds him and sees his bruised eye.

Namjoon's first reaction when he passes the curb is to stare at stage boy, his heart skips a beat when he finds dark cat eyes staring back at him.

Stage boy puts the cigarette prop to his lips, letting them hang there un-lit. He looks him up and down, taking interest in the black shadow of the bruise. He doesn't sneer this time, but he does glare at him, his eyes curling Namjoon like fire.


He says it harshly, sending long shivers to run down Namjoon's spine. Like the way the leader of the group would order before the followers would beat up Namjoon like a pulp.

Namjoon has a theory as to why stage boy seems to dislike him, perhaps -and this one is the one he believes most- it is because he knows who stage boy is.

Knows that he is the boy with the over-sized grey hoodie that he uses to cover himself. That he could sense that Namjoon was looking at him. The him that he was here with a cigarette prop that moved his actors and directed the play. Not the him at school.

This him belongs right here, with a graffiti wall and loud music that Namjoon cannot understand, not in that place.

Maybe that's why stage boy curls his lips at him,


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